I'm back from retreat and boy did we have a great time!!! Our little group left last Friday and returned home on Monday. I've finally got all the laundry done and my sewing supplies put away. It's always a lot of work but so worth the effort.
This is where we stayed. Isn't it beautiful? It's part of a Chistian Conference Center in the foothills near Sonora, California. You can see more pictures of the facility here. If you live near here and want to schedule a retreat I'd be glad to help you. The staff is wonderful and the food. What can I say about the food? I haven't eaten food this good at fancy restaurants. We're talking bacon wrapped filets, creme brulee, homemade soups, made to order omelets, etc., etc., etc.... and RASPBERRY CHEESECAKE! Yes,you heard me right! Homemade RASPBERRY CHEESECAKE!!!!!!!!! Their chef is awesome and always fixes us the best meals. They are brought up to us from the main lodge and served to us, we don't have to lift a finger. They even come up at 6:30 in the morning to turn on the coffee maker. Talk about spoiled.

We don't travel light. This is my van and this is "stuff" for just Nikki and I. Notice the electric blankets? Tee

This was Cindy's car. She transported four ladies. It's a good thing she has side mirrors.

Our beautiful view.

Last year we were given black and red 5" squares of fabric and challenged to make a small quilt. I was a bit hesitant as those are colors I don't normally sew with. They turned out just beautiful, though. All of the quilts are being donated to cancer patients so they can snuggle up and stay warm while they have their chemotherapy treatments.

Some of the sewing that went on.... This is a little lap quilt that I put together. Notice the
chenile? It's an
uber-simple pattern but the Fig Tree fabric makes it really pretty.

More projects..... all those corners to match!

It's never to early to get ready for Christmas.

Our workroom. This year there were only ten of us. One of the ladies had an emergency at the last minute and couldn't attend. We sewed from morning right after breakfast until after midnight some days. We also went shopping at the local quilt stores, watched a movie and even had time for naps.

We even had some visitors. This was taken outside the dining room window.
I'll have more pictures to share next post.