As you know, I love the military! My son has made a career out of serving our country in the Navy. I'll be greeting him at the airport on March 12th, flags waving and tears falling, as he comes home from deployment. My husband served in the Army, as did my dad, father-in-law, brother-in-law, nephew and uncle. I'm sure many of you have family member who serve or have served. Sadly, statistics show that only 1% of the country know anyone serving in the military at this time so information as to what you can do to help our troops doesn't always get directed to the American public.
We are of a generation that still remember how our country vilified our military personnel during the Viet Nam war. Somehow, the citizenry couldn't look past their own personal opinions to support the troops who were coming home, many of them wounded physically and mentally. It was, and is, still a national shame.
Thankfully, we have come to our senses and regardless of our beliefs, we know that these brave men and women need our support and encouragement.
I know that you may be aware of the
Quilts for Valor organization. You make a quilt top and send it off to be quilted and then it is given to a service person who has been wounded. I also know that we as quilters are busy with our own quilt projects. Making an entire quilt top is not in the realm of possibility for most of us. Besides working on our own quilts, my little quilt group makes quilts to donate to cancer patients in need of a warm hug. The latest project calls for us each to make one block, which will be put together and saved for such a need.
Here is the favor. I just found out about an opportunity through Moda where we can help by making
JUST ONE STAR - to make just one block!!!!! Their goal is to receive 1,800 blocks which they can turn into quilts and pass along to our troops. To me that is a do-able request! Click on the
link to get the information. I learned about this just this morning over
HERE so thank you Polly and Laurie for getting the word out. And thank you also to
Lissa over at Moda United Notions for spearheading this endeavor!
Please consider doing this.

God bless you all and God Bless America!