Well, folks, how is 2012 treating you? So far so good? I've tried to keep busy today because I have heard that what you do on January 1st is what you do the entire year. So...... busy, busy, busy! I don't make resolutions other than resisting the urge to sky dive! I usually give that up for Lent as well and I'm not even Catholic! Just covering all the bases LOL! Seriously, I do try to think about what I would like to accomplish, things like getting organized, losing weight and quilting and gardening more.

This is a picture of a type of hummingbird we have here in California. I've not had much luck with hummingbird feeders but they love my flowers and are often seen in the back feasting on the fuchsias. An article I found said they can be found mostly during the warm seasons of spring and summer. Well, someone forgot to tell my little friend!

I can't remember if I have shown you picture of the hedge that goes up to my front door. I just love it! It's a Camellia Sasanqua called Apple Blossom and it starts to bloom in the winter near Christmas. Your garden variety camellias need shade but the sasanquas can take the sun so it was the perfect choice for some winter color. When nothing much else is blooming it puts out a riot of pink and white flowers that can be seen from down the street and a dusting of petals up to the front door. It has attracted a little hummingbird who has taken up residence amongst the branches and has been living there since summer.

In fact, when I went out this morning to get the Sunday paper it really startled me. It sleeps amongst the branches near the front and when I walk by it is jumps up and rushes off making the loudest little funny motor boat engine sound. Scared the be-jabbers out of me. I have tried to look to see if I can see a nest but so far haven't been able to see where she sleeps.
I've decided not to trim the hedge after the camellia finishes blooming like I usually do. I'm not sure when hummingbirds lay eggs and I would hate to harm any babies. I'll have to let the gardener know as well. So scraggly camellias it is! Worth it in my book.
So what are your plans for the new year? Do you make resolutions? Are you going to create a "bucket list" of goals or try to change a habit? Whatever it is I hope you are successful. One thing for sure I'm going to do is keep an eye out for my little friend.