Maggie wanted to show you one of her Christmas presents. I don't know what it is with rawhide chews. She has to take it outside and get it good and dirty and then she's happy.
Maggie has been a rather "difficult" little puppy to train. She has tried my patience and the patience of our dog obedience trainer. There has been many times when I have even questioned whether not we should keep her. I didn't know if we were a good "fit" and whether we were doing her any favors by keeping her. One of the problems is she followed in the footsteps of our beloved Scotty, Marjorie and those pawprints are very hard to fill. Marjorie was a completely different dog. Quiet, easy going, obedient. Maggie is just the opposite. Willfull, stubborn, difficult to train. But things are slowly but surely getting better. Yesterday I had a "moment" of clarity thanks to a movie. Have you seen Marley and Me? Please, go and see this movie. It made me sit back and think of Maggie and to look at her as a free spirited happy little girl that she is and just enjoy her for who she is. If you see this movie, take tissues for the ending. Lots of sniffing and I must admit, I had to stifle a sob or two.
From our little house to yours, may you have the most blessed, safe and Happiest of New Years.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Counting down.....
Oatmeal Cookies with pecans, coconut and peppermint chips!
Sweety's grandmother's Sugared Walnuts
A beautiful chocolate cake from a recipe given to me recently by my friend, Wave.
I didn't decorate as much this year. It looks pretty though. Just enough. However, I have big plans for next year. I have a good friend that is a supreme Christmas decorator and she's volunteered (ok, I kinda told her) to help me (translate that to be she'll do most of the work and I'll tell her how great she is). Then I'll take her to lunch, buy her presents and let her know how much she's appreciated. Maybe, just maybe, she'll do it every year.
Our living room.
This sweet vintage bird ornament is my first ornament. I was 10 months old when it first hung on our tree. A true antique!
My mom bought this for her grandmother for Christmas in the 1950's and now it's mine. Something we'll continue to pass down through the family.
Sweety and I took our grandson's to ride the local Santa Express Train in the town next to ours. It's a regular train and the ride takes an hour and a half. Cookies, hot chocolate, elves, singing, dancing, stories, all the boys and girls in their jammies, and of course, Santa himself. We had such a great time and the kids were very appreciative.
What do you think folks? I think this really is Santa!!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Do you see what I see?
Monday, December 15, 2008
Thanks Barney!
Every year Barney has done a Christmas video. Here is his last one before riding off into the sunset into retirement and Texas ranch life........ (turn down the sound on my music to watch the video)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Christmas Field Trip
It's magic beyond this door!
I hope you are enjoying your holiday preparations. Don't forget to take the time to really enjoy the season.
**By the way, the name of the nursery is Duarte's Nursery in Hughson, which is just south of Modesto. Their primary business is bareroot fruit trees and grape stock. They open for business in the winter to sell poinsettias around the first weekend before Thanksgiving. If you live in the area I encourage you to visit them and to go early in the season.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails.....
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving

May you be blessed on this day. I'm so thankful that I have been able to meet so many wonderful bloggers. You really enrich my life.
Please continue to pray that Memphis will be found.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Simply Sophisticated Month Two
Nothing like waiting until the last minute to get something done! The two blocks on the left are the month one blocks for The Fat Quarter Shop's Simply Sophisticated Block of the Month program they have going on now. The two dark ones in the middle are month two blocks of the month. This month they threw in the six on the right for us to do, also. They must be for filling in when we put the entire quilt together. So instead of two to do this month, we had eight! It's going to be beautiful, however, and so worth the extra work.
Our dear little Memphis is still missing. She was spotted on Saturday night about a mile from home. Keep her in your prayers that she's safe and will find her way home.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Calling all Bloggers

Thank you so much.
*UPDATE: It's been a week since Memphis went missing and she still hasn't been found. Keep this little dog in you prayers. We're hoping that someone out there found her and doesn't know yet where she belongs.