Although I can't do much in the yard just yet, I can plan - and dream.
What are you dreaming about these dreary days?
This one hangs over the tub. If you enlarge it you can see the bees buzzing around. The cup and saucer were my Great Grandma Balsley's and are very fine, translucent china. My grandsons have taken many baths in the bath tub and have always been very careful. Children will always live up to your expectations, I always say. *Golly! Looking at the picture, maybe there is some room on that wall to hang some more things. Hmmmmmm!!!!!
It's not a jetted tub, but big enough to draw a bubble bath, have a cup of tea, read a book and turn into a prune! My favorite thing to do when I've been working in the yard all day and I hurt all over.
"Mommy, I am sooooo embarrassed. I can't believe you are telling everyone what I did. I'm going to hide my face in shame. On second thought, I think I'll just take a nap..."
Day before yesterday, my grandsons came over and as they often do, they sit on our bed and watch television. Little Samuel likes to eat his Top Ramen while he's watching his favorite shows (I know, I spoil them) and Maggie waits patiently hoping to get a scrap of something or at least is able to lick the bowl. Well she either got too excited or angry that she didn't get even a morsel, not even a crumb, er, noodle.
After the boys left I went in the bedroom and low and behold a giant wet spot on the bed, and it wasn't soup!!! Maggie!!!!!! Luckily it didn't go through to the sheets, but it did get on the chenille bedspread and the huge, fluffy comforter. Both are very heavy and I don't like to wash them at home, so yesterday I was off to the laundromat.
So, from Maggie and the rest of my family....
From our house to yours...We wish you a New Year filled with happiness, health and a promise of new beginnings.