Hi, there, everyone! Maggie here. Mommy has asked me to help her catch up on her posting. She's been busy watching the grandsons and between that and the terrible heat we have been having here, she hasn't had the energy to do much of anything. What have I been doing, you ask? Part of the day I sit in front of the screen door and do my Scottie guard duty. When it gets too warm and Mommy puts the air conditioner on, I take long naps. Where is my favorite nap spot, you ask? Under one of the beds, of course. Nice and cool and private!!

Mommy and Daddy spent a day a few weeks back doing some errands up in Sacramento. It was too hot for them to take me along, so I stayed home and, er, napped! One of the stops they made was at a
garden center they had never been to before. From all accounts, it was wonderful. Lots of perennials that Mommy doesn't see too often. The picture above is an artichoke that has been left to turn into a thistle.

I'm rather glad I stayed home or I would have met the nursery kitty. They were having a special Father's Day celebration that weekend so the nursery people thought it would be cute to dress her up. From what Mommy has said, that was one mad kitty. She wasn't too terribly happy at having to walk around looking like a court jester. She wouldn't even make eye contact with anyone! I'm sure if I had been there she would have been even more embarrassed.

After the nursery, they drove to a new quilt store that had opened. Mommy says you can read about it
here. Mommy had met one of the owners when she worked at another quilt store in the area that has since closed (insert frowny face here).

The shop is new and still small but has so much great potential, mostly due to the fact that it is such a warm and friendly place to go! I wonder if they let dogs visit?

Here is Mommy's friend, Shirley, but everyone knows her as Gran. She even has a
blog! Mommy thinks she is the sweetest person and wishes her and all the other owners the best luck in the world. They don't have their web site up and running yet, but the link she gave you has the address in Sacramento. Stop in and tell them hi and ask if they will let me come in next time.
Next Mommy and Daddy went to a couple of antique shops but forgot to take pictures. I think it was because Mommy was so excited about seeing an
antique store that was that HUGE!!! After shopping they went out for lunch
here, ate waaaaayyyy too , stopped at a used book store for Daddy and then came home. Where was I when they came home? Under the bed, of course.
Mommy will be back in a day or two. Something about her winning something bee-utiful! Excuse me while I go check the front yard and then go take a nap...........
Maggie out!
That antique store looks amazing! I am on the quest for a vintage vanity--did you notice any there by any chance?
Hasn't this heat been brutal? Ozzie just lays on the floor trying to make himself as flat as possible!
Wow, that was quite a catch up! Thanks for filling us in on all the happ'nins from Mommy. I hope she gives you an extra special treat for your blogging efforts!
Maggie is such a good blogger poster!!
Looks like I could spend lots of time in that fabric shop!!
Heading to NM tomorrow for the house closing- have a glitch concerning it and would appreciate your prayers!
bee blessed
Hi Miss Maggie! I hope you and Mommie are having a good summer and staying cool.
Sharon & Max
OOh yeah isnt Antique Trove great? And we ate at. Claim Jumpers too. Did you her that the Tattered house or what ever it was called is closing? Cant wait to check out the fabric shop. Hey theres another new shop opening up there too..need to get the info. Xo
Looks like you have been busy! That antique store looks amazing.
Hi Gorgeous! It's so nice to be back and visiting you! My computer had crashed (it lived a good life for us for 8 years) but now we've got a new one and it's so nice and FAST! Wow, you don't realize how much you use it until it's not available. ha ha
P.S.... tell Maggie her recap of your recent trips was darling! Wish I could have gone along for the fun, food and conversation! Sounds like she's making memories with the boys too! Stay cool out there!
So glad your "units' had such a pleasant day trip!
P.S. Under the bed is always the best-it's where I store all of my toys!
So cute!!
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