What are the chances that two of the loveliest ladies in our family have the same birthday!?!
Today is my mom's birthday. I just wrote about her on Mother's Day and she cried so I'll skip all the mushy stuff this time. Go down to my Mother's Day post and read all about this wonderful woman.
In November of 2006 my son brought home his "just a friend" for Thanksgiving. Just a friend, yea right! I had never seen him happier or smiling more in his entire life. I knew she was the "one" for him. When I asked her when her birthday was and she replied, "May 27th", well, that sealed the deal for me. They were married the next September and we couldn't be happier to have her in the family. She is sweet, caring, considerate, determined and strong (she's an officer in the military). Visit my posts of February 14th and 16th for a sneak peak at this lovely woman.
To my Mom and my new daughter-in-law, Happy Birthday! You are both a blessing to our family!