I attempted all day yesterday to do this post but Blogspot would not cooperate so I apologize for the delay. I had no idea that Maggie's birthday and the day that I choose the winner, Tuesday, January 20th, is also our Inauguration Day here in the States. So two great events on one day, how cool is that!?!
With that said, here are the prizes for the
contest. In honor of Maggie, some good Scottish Tea. We're big tea drinkers in our house! A mug for the tea (I'll never spell party the same again). A copy of the book Marley and Me which is so wonderful and makes Maggie look like Mother Teresa (sorry....). Lastly a beautiful scarf knit by none other than my Mom. If red isn't your color you can let me know what color you want and Mom will whip it up in an hour. She's fast and loves to make them. So keep entering
here and I'll choose next Tuesday evening.
*I forgot to metion that the winner will also receive a donation given to the animal shelter or animal rescue agency of their choice.

A friend of mine also owns a Scottish Terrier. I say "own" loosley because if you have a Scottish Terrier you know that they actually "own" you. Anyway, she wants me to let everyone know how unique Maggie is. In other words, not all Scottish Terriers are chewers. Her Scotty is not a chewer. He is very sophisticated and genteel and very much the gentleman. "Yes, you are, Dughall!" Our previous Scotty, Marjorie, was an angel from heaven. Never chewed, never barked, sweet, sweet, sweet.
With that said, here is the latest from Maggie!

This is what's left of one of my slippers. I was upstairs on the computer and things got a little too quiet. Then she came up and sat by me with this look that could melt your heart, "I'm sorry, Mommy!" I guess knowing when you have done something wrong is the first step to turning your life around.
Three pairs of slippers - $60
Two pairs of tennis shoes - $70
One entire sprinkler system - $$$$
One handmade quilt that I made - $200
Countless chew toys - $30
Two decorator pillows from a new couch - $75
One dog bed - $30
Oh, I forgot - One Dyson vacuum cleaner cord! - $30
One little Scottish Terrier named Maggie - Priceless!!!