Friday, April 17, 2009

Here we go again!

You may have wondered (or not) as to why I haven't been posting lately.  Well, my computer is still on the blink.  In fact, like another blog friend's computer of late, I think it has.........COOTIES!  Yes, people, cooties.  Dreadful cooties.  They have messed it up really good.  So it was off to the De-cootie-fier store today.  Hopefully I'll be back in action soon.  

In the meantime know that I am still browsing from Sweetie's Mac and miss you all lots.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter

May you have a Blessed Easter. Thank you Jesus for the life you have given to us unselfishly and with such great love.

Watch the following video (turn down my playlist music). This is one of my all time favorite television moments. It was first aired at the Country Music Association awards in 1989. Such a great message. Thank you, Dolly! (*if you cannot get the video to work properly, go to and type in the search for "Dolly Parton He's Alive)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Most of you know me as Miss Jean. Funny little name that was bestowed upon me by some friends that stuck. But I'm more than that. I'm Honey to my Sweety and Mom and Mommy to my children. Today is Redmond's tenth birthday. That day ten years ago was the start of my most important "job", that being Grandma Jean. I love both of the boys so much that my heart sometimes can't hold it all.

Today my heart is so sad when it should be happy. In our little corner of the world here in California we mourn for a little child, Sandra Cantu. Sandra was a mere eight years old. Doing all sorts of fun, little girl things, full of innocence and love. For some unknown and dreadful reason, that little life has been taken. She was missing from her home for almost two weeks. They found her yesterday, stuffed in a suitcase in the bottom of a holding pond. Explain to me why. Explain to me why there is someone out there so evil that they would do such a thing. As I was taking cupcakes to Redmond's class today for his birthday, I passed light post after light post all over town, still covered in posters asking for help in finding little Sandra. How could I be happy when there is a family so near to here that is going through such grief that I can't imagine?

Please pray that the Lord will wrap His arms around this family to help them through their grief. Please pray that whoever did this will be found so they are not out there to do it again.

Hug your loved ones and keep them close.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

How sweet....

How sweet to be greeted by these sweet faces every time you come home. This is what my friend Wave comes home to after being away.  A puppy welcome by Bonny, Maude and Hank.  Now how wonderful is that?