Go take a look! I'm really pleased as punch that she would hang something I made in her beautiful home!!! Thanks, Becky, you're a real confidence booster!!!
They get to reaquaint themselves with their summer friends.
I put a sleeve on the back so it can be hung on the wall. It's all ready to go to it's new owner. When she's ready to unveil her newly re-decorated guest room I'll let you know where to go see it. I originally purchased this as a kit from Quilter's Paradise in Clovis, California and it is one of their own designs. It has a beautiful appliqued border but it wasn't going to work for where it was to be hung, so I left it off. The kit is still available if you are interested.
In the meantime, one down, four to go.......
We thought we'd get away from it so off Sweety and I went with mom, the grandson's and even Maggie in tow over to the coast to Half Moon Bay. It was freezing! That's my luck, but that's alright. I like cool coastal weather more than inland heat any day. The boys had a good time. Check out the dimple on Mr. R on the left there. These two boys are the BEST!!
We live in the country and are fortunate to have a strawberry stand less than five minutes from our house.