Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Blog Festival Postponed
I am going to miss meeting all of you who signed up and hope that you will be able to make the next date. Hopefully the silver lining is that more of you will be available to attend and it will be bigger and better than it would have been.
Again, we are so sorry and hope that you are understand.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Lunch With The Girls
Elizabeth, Pam, Miss Jean and Becky
We stopped by Becky's home so the girls could meet Duhgall and Fiona. Dughall instantly fell in love, I mean, fell in love with Elizabeth. He was so sweet! The last stop was at my house so the girls could see the garden and meet Maggie. I don't know about everyone else, but if I even think someone is coming over I run around and get everything all nice and neat and clean. Pop on over to Pam's post to see what Maggie had waiting for us!
As many of you may know, Elizabeth and Pam are quilter's who design patterns. Beautiful patterns I might add. Check out Elizabeth's web site, Late Bloomer Quilts. Elizabeth has recently designed a line of fabric as well, Red Rose Farm. You can see it, as well as order it here at the Fat Quarter Shop internet fabric shop. It's so new I don't think it has hit many of the local shops yet, but it should soon. It is the sweetest fabric of vintage prints in clear, bright colors. Elizabeth was so generous to bring me a gift of a tower of fat quarters! How nice was that? If you zoom on the picture you can see her name on the label. I would be over the moon if I had done that, so I'm sure that she is too. Congratulations, Elizabeth!!!!
It was a wonderful day - friends, food, antiques and fabric. What more could you ask for?
Have a wonderful rest of the week!!!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Secret Agent Man!
Well, howdy doody, Miss Jean is doing some Secret Squirrel sewing. I'm doing some sewing for someone using some fabric that I already had on hand. Not that I'm that experienced and extra talented, but it's a friend so she asked me to help. That's all the information you are going to get out of me until the big reveal. I should have had the project finished by now, but it's been a rough week for me. Just look at the blue star banner on the side of my blog and you can guess why my mind has been elsewhere. Hopefully, I can get the project done asap and my Rock Star designer will be happy.

Anyway, it's a complicated pattern and I knew I had twisted a couple of the blocks up but couldn't figure out what was wrong. I got it out the other day and decided to finish it. I like it now more than I did before.

My question to you is this. Would you do it? For you experienced quilters, enlarge the picture and I think you'll see what I mean. As random as it looks at first glance, there is a definite pattern. Would you risk stretching it out? What to do, what to do!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Zippity Doo Dah!!
My sister's friend was coming for a visit and we wanted to do something fun and adventurous. Like I mentioned, Janice wanted to go sky diving. That was nixed right away. So what did we do? We went ZIP LINING!!!!! Me! Miss Jean!!! Went Zip Lining!!! Yessiree Bob!!! We had a blast!!! We drove here in Angels Camp which is about an hour from my house in the Sierra foothills. Be sure to check the link as they show videos of the zip lines.
The guys that run the place are sooooooo very nice and put up with us "old ladies" without complaint! (I'm sure there was a lot of eye rolling when we weren't looking.) This picture shows where you go initially to get all geared up. One funny thing that happened. After Janice and her friend were done, the fellow working said "Who's next?" Janice said, 'my sister, Jean." "Well, come on over here, Miss Jean!" Can't get rid of the Miss Jean name no matter what. It made me feel right at home.

You hold on but don't have to support your weight. All the straps and gears do that for you. You will not flip back or flip upside down.

I'm off!!!!

***Thanks for all of your words of encouragement and congratulations! This was one of the most fun things I have ever done. It wasn't scary at all! You have all got to try this! Trust me!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
They are coming over tomorrow to pick me up and we are off on an adventure. I won't tell you what it is 'till I get back and I know I have survived! Of the three sisters (I'm the youngest) I am the least adventurous to say the least. Janice wanted to take Debbie somewhere extra fun and suggested sky diving. She had done it before and loves it. I don't like flying so why would I get in a plane that I don't like getting into just to jump out of it. Noooooo sireeeee bob! So we are doing plan "B".

"Mommy, you are doing WHAT?!" You have got to be kidding!!!!!"
"I'll be just fine, Maggie. At least I hope I will be. If not, just divide the quilting supplies and my antiques between Becky and Nikki! and take care of Daddy for me."
Sunday, September 5, 2010
In the Garden
One thing that I have learned in gardening is to balance the plants with a few hard scape elements. It adds such a nice definition and contrast to the yard. Now, garden snob that I am, I am definitely not talking about plastic lawn ornaments and flamingos. I have a few nurseries in the area that always seem to have just the right treasure for me to tuck in among the flowers. I have lots of bunny statues and bird houses scattered around.

You can use old found objects like this rusty tricycle tucked into a corner.
An iron filigree planter placed in another planter adds character and height.