Why is it that when you are younger, some things are easier but other things are easier when you get older? Take children for instance. I have way more patience with my grandsons now then I had with my two children. I was so set on making everything perfect back then. Now, my philosophy is, "Ice Cream is an ok breakfast food!" "Grandma, can I have something?" "Sure, what do you want?"
When we had our first Scottish Terrier, Marjorie, housebreaking her was a snap! We had some very good advise from a dog trainer and Marjorie was by nature a very docile and "wanting to please" little dog. Her entire life she was like that. Laid back, loving and just plain gooey sweet! Everybody loved our little Marjorie. Now, along comes Maggie! This is the Maggie that
Becky called me about, "Oh, Jean, you have to come see her. She is soooooo sweet and calm and laid back." Yea, right!
(Note: We are so happy she did!) Now, don't get me wrong. We love her to death. She is a beautiful puppy with the possibilities of being an exceptionally beautiful adult dog. I admit she is sweet. Calm? Laid back? I don't think so. She is a little stubborn pistol. A true pip squeak. If she is running around and you need to put her back in her crate or outside in her pen, good luck. She loves to play
Catch Me If You Can, and she usually wins! We're having a much more difficult time with the housebreaking business. I can just imagine what our neighbors are thinking on those warm evenings when their windows are open and all of a sudden they hear a chorus of "Yea Maggie!!! You went poop and pee for Mommy and Daddy!!! Yea!!!" with the accompanying clapping, no less. I won't even get into the business of vet bills. Maggie has been twice for shots and today had an extra appointment for a skin rash that turned out to be just a "puppy rash" and nothing to worry about with the addition of antibiotics, "That'll be $67.00 please."
Wish us luck. This should be fun!
Little Miss Maggie Dear - Priceless!
*By the way, hop on over to Camille's web site. She doing a fantabulously wonderfulishious quilt give-away! Hurry, Hurry!!!