Fairy Primrose
Primrose, cyclamen, fern and azalea
Quiet Corner
Now I know this doesn't look like much. However, it you look closely you will see that it is a fern - an Australian Tree fern. It has grown so tall that it covers my sewing room window which is on the second floor of my two story house! They usually don't grow this tall in our part of California. We had a mild winter so hardly any of the branches froze, either. Amazing!
Wow Miss Jean! So, since it didn't freeze off and it's used to doing that, will it be ok? You certainly have a better sewing room view than I do -- I look at the furnace LOL!
Your flowers are so pretty, love that pink dogwood!
You have such a beautiful garden. You must love spending time out there!
Your flowers are amazing! I am jealous of the climate you have to grow those beautiful plants. 2 nights this week I had to scramble to cover mine from freezing temps.
Can I come sit in your garden? Pretty please???? It is so lovely! It puts my garden to shame...
Your flowers are beautiful. Isn't this a wonderful time of year?
I know that fern! Your yard is gorgeous! It is clearly evident that it is the place that makes you happy - besides your stellar sewing room!
see ya soon,
Everything is looking very lovely!
All of your pictures are too pretty for words!
Your garden flowers are so lovely Jean! I think you are so ahead of us on the season. We had a really warm winter but now it has become to cold in the evenings and the flowers are slow to start growing. How is your little puppy doing and is he enjoying the garden too?
Hugs ~
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