Blessings to you all.
"Maggie, would you like to learn to quilt?"
"I think so, Mommy. What's quilting?"
"Well, you buy beautiful fabric that costs lots of money, cut it up and sew it back together. That's called quilting."
"You're kidding me, right?"
This quilt rack is hanging in my bedroom. Enlarge the picture to see what it says! These quilts are not my family heirloom quilts. Those I have displayed in a glass quilt case in my guest room. These are found quilts that somehow got separated from the family they came from. That's the mystery to me. How could someone part with a family quilt! Shameful! But a bonus for me.
Last weekend my sister, Janice, called and wanted to meet and go antique shopping at The Green Pea here in town. I wasn't really looking for something, but I always keep my eyes open. Sandi had just put this quilt out for display the day or two before. She didn't think anyone would actually be interested in it and really hated to get rid of it herself. Well, girlfriends, Miss Jean spotted it. With heart racing, palms itching, sweat beading up on my forehead, I quickly checked the tag and grabbed it! It is in P-R-I-S-T-I-N-E condition. No tears, no stains, no nada. It goes back to the late 20's or early 30's from what Sandi and I can ascertain. Sandi had purchased it from a lady who said (correct me if I'm wrong, Sandi) it was made out of her mother's dresses by a great-grandmother. The stars are vintage feed sack fabric (re-purposed into clothes at the time) and 30's fabrics. The green fabric used for the sashing strips , binding and back is the popular shade of green for that time.
Becky was very generous and brought us gifts. Who doesn't need a little Mary Engelbreit love in their life! The darling book mark, magnet and note pad were lovingly wrapped up with delicious cookies. No cookies you say? Why they are long gone!!! Yummy!! Thank you, Becky!!!!
Dawn knew that Becky and I are Scottish Terrier
freaks nuts collectors. She brought us copies of a Sunset Magazine cover from 1933 that she owns. See the Scotty? So cute! This little puppy (yuck, yuck) will hang in my sewing room to cheer me up!
This was the piece de resistance. Dawn made these darling cupcakes for Sandi, Becky and I!!! OMG!!!! You should have heard the squeals!!! Before I had "met" Dawn I had seen the post that she did on these absolutely darling vintage cake candle holders. I called Becky and screamed calmly said "did you see those Scotty candle holders!?!!!?!" Man was I coveting them. I had no idea that one day I would own two of them. Sandy made these "pupcakes" out of styrofoam balls, spackling compound and spray paint. Imagine! She lovingly put them all together on a vintage plate and VOILA! Little bundles of love wrapped up in a darling little cake box. I admit I had more than a few tears in my eyes over this one. Bless your little heart, Dawn!!!!!
What a fun filled day we had and it ended with promises for another visit from Dawn who wants to bring her daughter up to meet The Green Pea's guard dog, Barney.
Ladies: I really encourage you to get out there and meet your blog sisters!!!!!! Instant friends, instant fun, instant love!!