Have a frightfully fun day!!!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Boo Boo!!!
I always used to give her "dental cleaning type green bones" (don't want to give product name here because I have no problems with them per se) but they started making her sick so I had to stop. So now at some point I'll have to take her in for teeth cleaning and they'll put her out for the procedure. When that happens I'll have them remove all her dew claws.

Is this the most pitiful looking little puppy you have ever seen? This certainly has not been her year. I should make her a little cardboard sign, "Will bark for medicine!"
Move over Six Million Dollar Man and Six Million Dollar Woman! Here comes the Six Million Dollar Scotty!!!! Oh, how I wish I could put her on my insurance plan!!!!!
I hope none of you think that Maggie is not well cared for since she has had so many problems this past year. On the contrary, I tend to take her in to be checked even if it's something minor. She eats the best food I can buy her. She is shown lots of love all the time and lives in the lap of luxury. My theory is that if you have a pet take care of it. It involves expenses. If you can't afford to properly care for them, don't have a one. That should be a no-brainer. I'm really black and white on the issue of pet ownership, no gray area! Pets depend on us to take care of them. My daughter just got a rescue dog, Bella. She's the sweetest little thing and sort of looks like Toto from the Wizard of Oz. Whoever owned her really did a number on her. This poor little dog is so very afraid of new people and still hasn't warmed up to me. When I go over there she hides under the bed. I can't let her be around Maggie as she is so timid and Maggie is so, shall we say, out there that she would be frightened. She cringes and hides when you pick up a broom. I get so angry even thinking about what someone must have done to her to make her like she is. But with lots of love and patience, I know she'll eventually come around.
So if you want unconditional love, get a dog. But, that means giving unconditional love in return!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
I Love My Dog, However.....
I love her when she's all grown up and acting like a sophisticated world travelor.

And I love her when she's acting like a sophisticated little lady.
So, if you are driving around Escalon and it's night time and it's raining and you see some crazy woman in her robe and slippers walking a Scottish Terrier wave when you go by. Yup! That would be me!! What I won't do for my dog!!
Have a wonderful week and if it's raining where you are, stay dry!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
My Front Porch
The quilted piece is a table runner I made with my sewing group quite a few years ago. Like I've said, my home doesn't lend itself to oranges so it looks just fine outside, don't you think

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Fall Traditions

Let me start with I love where I live. Escalon is a small town in central valley California. There is no traffic, it's quiet, and we are close to larger towns, like Modesto, if we want to go shopping or out to eat. I live in a track of homes with wide streets and nice neighbors. During the day there is usually no one around except for when the stay-at-home lady next door mows her lawn or the retired man across the street is working on something in his garage. We are in the city limits and just behind our fence is county property. We are surrounded on two sides by fields, horses, and orchards. This is an agricultural area with the main crops being almonds, walnuts with dairy farms thrown in as well.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Pacific International Quilt Festival
This young lady is Sherry Reynolds. She won a first place blue ribbon for her "Christmas All Around" quilt. I couldn't get a full picture of it as there were so many people oohing and aahing at it. Sherry is such a sweet and humble gal and was really taken aback by all the attention. Hopefully if you enlarge the picture you can see some of the extraordinary detail and workmanship she put into this work of art. I chatted with her for a few minutes and found out that she did the design, the piecing and the quilting all on her own. Plus she has been quilting for only five years!!!!! Amazing!!!!! It should have won best in show (no offense to the person who did).

Monday, October 11, 2010
Fall Field Trip
Our grandson and Maggie in front of an 800 pound pumpkin.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Thanks so much!!!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Fall in California

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Maggie Is Home!!!!!!
We had picked up one of her favorite treats for her, a rawhide chew bone. She doesn't eat them, just carries them around the yard in her mouth and whines until she finds the best spot to bury them. There must be twenty or more of them buried all over. Can you see her little bandage? They had to shave her leg for the i.v..
We cannot thank all of you enough for all the prayers and well wishes on her behalf. The outpouring of love and concern has been overwhelming and very much appreciated. The blogger community is generous and loving and I am so proud and grateful to be a part of it. We'd also like to thank the staff at the Modesto Emergency Veterinary Hospital who rapidly assessed the situation and gave her immediate, loving attention. Her continued care was given by our regular veterinarians at the Escalon Small Animal Clinic. It says a lot when your animals love to go to the vet and are not a bit frightened. They have always treated Maggie like family.
This ordeal has been difficult for us as we are Maggie's caretakers and we feel we let her down on some level. Our promise is to be even more diligent to assure her continued safety and well being as an integral part of our family. I don't know what I would do without her.
Maggie sends her love and thanks as well!!!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Prayers for Maggie

Our dear little Maggie is very sick. Yesterday she ate a large quantity of raisins that had accidentally been left out. Raisins are poisonous to dogs and can cause renal failure even in small quantities. As soon as I realised what happened, I rushed her to our local emergency vet where they pumped her stomach. She has spent the night there on an i.v. and I'm about to go pick her up to take her to our local vet for further treatment. Please keep her in your prayers. She is such a large part of our family and I don't know what I would do without her. I'll keep you all posted on her progress.
If you have a dog, check out this website. It has a list of "people food" that is poisonous to dogs. Make sure you know what these items are and also make sure that your family members know as well. Our pets rely on us to protect and care for them.
Thank you all.