Yea! We're home!!! We got in yesterday afternoon late and I immediately went to bed. We had a wonderful trip home but it was long, long, long. The last leg of the trip, I didn't think I would make it. I do all the driving so no rest for me the six days we took to get home.
We stopped at lots of places that Sweety has been wanting to see: The Grand Canyon, The Painted Desert, The Petrified Forest and The Meteor Crater. Maggie was a big hit every where we went. There are people all over the world with her picture now.
We met so many wonderful people on our way home, starting out with my blog friend
Mary and her husband Bill. We had a delightful visit and it seemed like we had been friends forever! There was the retired Army nurse that works at the rest stop in Raton, New Mexico, the retired lady trucker that works in the dining room in the Holiday Inn Express in Raton, numerous fellow travelers. All were so friendly. I guess vacationers are happy people.
One thing that was "interesting" to me were the motels. Talk about discrepancies in brands. We would get a wonderful room and the next night it would be horrible. One was so bad that I complained and got the entire cost of the room credited. I'm not going to mention by name the bad ones. However, the La Quinta in Flagstaff, Arizona was absolutely wonderful!!! Terrific room, great accommodations and consideration for handicapped travelers and for dogs. Elynn was our front desk clerk and she is a true gem!!! Of course, the fact that her roommate has a Scottish Terrier didn't hurt any. She instantly fell in love with Maggie.
So tell me, fellow travelors. What is your trick for getting good motels? Do you go by word of mouth. Is there a specific brand that is always good no matter where you go? I really want to know.
Today I'm doing laundry - lots and lots of laundry - and cleaning house. I'll get my pictures downloaded as soon as I can so I can show you some of our trip.
Now, back to that laundry.......