Well, it finally hit. I've been dodging this cold for a week and now it's here. I've been taking Airborne so that has helped. Up until now, that is. Yesterday was spent taking son to Sacramento to the airport, dropping my sewing machine off for a service, taking Mom and Sweety out to lunch on the way home, going out to dinner with friends and then going to Target. Full day. Maybe too full. Anyway, I'm down for the count.
Trouble is, when I get like this I get a little, shall we say, spacey. I think of all kinds of things I should be doing. Must be the drugs. My sewing room is now a disaster after taking down the peg board and trying to figure out what I'm going work on as a gift for a friend. It's due the first of February and I've known about this exchange with my quilt group for two years. So me bad!
Then the poor gardener and UPS driver had to witness me in all my sick messy haired, pajamas and bathrobe glory. Pitiful.
I just finished my comfort food breakfast. Milk Toast! Nectar of the Gods!!! Toast with hot milk poured on it and sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. I took no pictures. You are welcome. What, may I ask, is your comfort food? Is it toast and tea? Is it something nutritious or something decadent? What makes you feel all warm and cozy inside when you are sick
I'm going back to bed now to read my new
Robyn Carr book, Forbidden Falls. I've been waiting months for it and this is the perfect day to get started on it.
Have a healthy day!