Sunday, December 25, 2011
Christmas Blessings
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Celebrating A Birthday

This child has turned into one of the most kind, sincere, funny and joyful little boys you would ever want to meet. He's considerate of others, is intuitive to what's going on around him and has wisdom beyond his years.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Christmas Cross Stitch
Have a great holiday week!
Saturday, December 10, 2011

I am so happy to report that someone has stepped forward and is going to care for her as long as is needed!!!! This is a big relief for me. Son had talked about taking her, but putting her in the cargo hold of a plane for 12+ hours just didn't seem safe to me. So while he is off to his new station, Maggie will be headed to Arizona and soaking up the sun!!
This is a common issue that those in the military face when they are deployed or transferred to another country with plans on returning. What do they do with their pets who are family members in every sense of the word?
If you know someone in this situation and you have the means, please consider fostering the pets of military personnel. There are a number of agencies who coordinate this sort of thing. You can do an internet search for "military pet foster care programs" and check them out.
Thank you from this Navy Mom!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Stone Gable

Please stop on over and wish her well. She will be sorely missed!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
What's in a name...
Maggie Mae
Maggie Doodles
Maggie Poo
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Baking In the Garden
Say, you needed to bring cookies for a cookie exchange.
Say, you decided to make Pumpkin cookies.
Need I say more?
Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
I don't want to catch a virus!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Pulling the wool over our eyes!

We live in an area of California that is agricultural and the cities are encroaching on the farm land. Sometimes you will be driving and get behind a piece of farm equipment on the road (Listen to International Harvester by Craig Morgan!) and you can't go around it. Some people get impatient I know, but I don't. I like to sit back and relax, take a deep breath and appreciate being out of the rat race even if it's just for a little bit of time. Besides, the farmers and ranchers were all here before we were!!!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Eating our way across America!
On our recent trip to Denver we made a point to stop at the Bagel Deli which is a mere 20 minutes from our son's house!!! How lucky can you get? It was featured on the show and did not disappoint. It's a classic Jewish deli. If I lived close to it I would seriously have to join Jenny Craig!!!

We ate at other restaurants along the way, naturally. We always stop at Cracker Barrel and I get the Chicken and Dumplings (hold me!) We stopped at a restaurant in Reno that will remain nameless that had been on Triple D that was terrible! Dirty, disgusting, cigarette smoke and terrible food. We stopped at Altitudes in Laramie, Wyoming which was wonderful!!!! I had the Turkey Havarti Panini and it was great. I don't remember what Sweety had as I was too busy stuffing my face!!
While at our son's we ate at our local favorites, Jim and Nick's for Bar-B-Que, Rosie's for breakfast (the best breakfast ANYWHERE!!) and The Village Inn (great food and free pie on Wednesdays).
We had to cut our trip short to get back to help out our daughter, so we were unable to go to some other restaurants in the Denver area that we had planned on trying. I'm hoping to make one more trip back there before our son leaves so I can go to them.
There were other restaurants we stopped at but it's starting to become one big calorie laden, fat, and carbohydrate haze! Aaaahhh, life is good!!! The only thing I can't figure out is why my jeans are tighter and the tires needed air put in them........ Hmmmm, what's up with that!?!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Maggie's Excellent Adventure

We also stopped at the Bonneville Salt Flats outside of Salt Lake City. They are beautiful! We tasted the water and it was way saltier than you can imagine.
I'm really proud of our little Maggie. She was absolutely no trouble on our trip. She's very patient in the morning at the motels while I get dressed so she can go outside. The best thing is she never gets car sick.
We stayed in the Larkspur Hotel Truckee, California on our last night coming home. Like the other motels we stayed in, they let you bring your dog but this establishment takes it a step further. They have a container of dog treats on the counter when you check in. They also give you a dog bowl, a dog chew toy and one of these to hook on the leash. What a great place to stay!!!
I'll post some more pictures of our trip soon. We ate at some amazing restaurants and you have got to see the food!!!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Holiday Magazine
However, I do subscribe to a few magazines and was beyond thrilled when I found this in the mail box yesterday!

This is definitely a keeper and has the Maggie seal of approval!!!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Making Do
Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Pumpkin Time
Monday, October 24, 2011
In the meantime, I have my hands full with Sweety and my Mom having more skin cancer surgery.
It doesn't rain, it pours........
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Give Away Winner (s) Announced!
I thought I better draw the winning name for the giveaway of Carrie Nelson's book, A touch of Rosie Quilts before you all thought I had forgotten. So without further ado and with my own very scientific way of drawing the winner is:
Woo Hoo!!! Karen: Send me an email with your address and I'll get this off to you ASAP!
I hit many quilt stores on our little trip and found Carrie's Schnibbles patterns in most, if not all, of them. So I thought, hey, why not have a second little giveaway of a schnibbles pattern! So.....the winner of the Schnibbles pattern, Ballet Slippers is..............
Linda of James-Linda
Linda, send me an email with your address and I'll send you the pattern. I hope you enjoy it!!!!
Thanks to all of you who entered and thank you especially for all of your wishes to hubs and I for a safe and wonderful trip to visit our son. I'll be posting pictures this week. Miss Maggie had some adventures and left her "mark".
Thursday, October 20, 2011
We're Home!
I know I promised to draw a name for my give-away but that will have to wait a few days as well. As some of you are aware, my Sweety had a stroke 6 years ago and has some residual physical affects to his left side. We drove to our daughter's house yesterday to pick up the grandsons as she is out of town and we have to watch them the rest of the week. Well, Sweety got out of the car without his cane and proceeded to fall off her front porch - splat - onto the concrete driveway, face hitting the ground, blood everywhere and glasses scratched. Luckily, a nurse was across the street and came and helped while I dialed 911. They said he looked alright but that I may want him looked at. Off to the e.r. after getting the boys situated with my mom. Six hours later we were on our way home. Thankfully, nothing is broken, which is a big worry with his mobility problems. He hit his nose really bad and it is swollen and his eyes black and blue. It may need plastic surgery at a later date. He sprained his wrist and fingers of his "wonky" hand rather than his good hand which is a praise. He smashed his left knee and it is the size of a grapefruit. Miraculously, nothing was broken!!!! He just looks like he went 10 rounds with a boxer and lost! We got home and to bed at 2:00 a.m. and he's still zonked out on some really good meds!! This on the same day we get home from vacation. **I just got a call from an emergency room physician. They reviewed his cat scans again and feel that he may have a fracture in his left forearm after all and we will have to be taking him to an orthopedic doctor soon. Good grief!!!
A quilting friend of mine found out just last week that her husband had cancer and he passed away last night. So in the scheme of things I don't have anything to complain about. Please be in prayer for my friend Debbie and her family.
Like I said, I'll draw for my give-away later this week. In the meantime, I'm going to go take a nap.......
Monday, October 3, 2011
Blogging Break and a Giveaway!
I didn't make that one up. I stole it from Carrie over at Miss Rosie's Quilt Company. If you are a quilter, you know all about Carrie's wonderful company that produces patterns and books. Her collection of Schnibbles patterns are all the rage.
Tell me I am not the only person in the world that buys patterns and books only to find out that I have them at home. Please! Sad thing is how many times I've done it. Now I've done it again!!!

See ya when I see ya!!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
With a Little Help From My Friends

I need some help and what better place to go than to my blog friends out there! Sweety and I are planning on driving back to Denver to visit our son. He's going to be leaving for overseas again next year so we want to make another trip back to visit him.
We are trying to coordinate our trip with some things we are having to take care of here on the homefront. We'll either be going in October or November. We'll be driving up Highway 80 across Nevada and Utah, hitting Highway 15 south in Salt Lake City and then on over to Colorado on Highway 70.
I need some advise from all you Nevada, Utah and Colorado bloggers out there. Would it be better to try to go in October or November weather wise? I know that the weather is unpredictable, but generally speaking.
Also, what are the must see places to see, must stop at restaurants to go to?
Thanks so much!!! I know I can count on my blogging friends!!!!!
(and, yes, Maggie is going too!!!)
Monday, September 26, 2011
Make Someone's Day
I had an idea for a blog post the other day so I'm going to write about it here today as I'm on the receiving end myself.
Do you ever feel something nudging you to pay someone a compliment and then shoo that thought away? Well, don't! Just jump in there and say it. I really feel that it is God's angels tapping you on the shoulder telling you that that person needs to hear it. We all need affirmation from time to time. A comment such as, "you look so good today!" "love that sweater!" "that was so nice of you to do." may be just what they need to hear. Life may have just thrown them a curve ball and that one little compliment is what they need to hold on to.
We never know what personal tragedies or just plain old bad days people are having to carry around just by looking at them. They may not look like a whimpering mess. They may appear to be the most put together person in the world. But.......tap, tap! Say it, tell her she's wonderful. Tell her you appreciate her. Tell her she looks good. Whatever has come into your mind. Just do it!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Throughout my childhood I would sit in the back seat of our car with my two sisters listening to Dad say, "That car looks suspicious." He'd write the license plate number in the dust on the dash "just in case" he needed to do something with it. We'd sit in the back and roll our eyes, never daring to say anything to him. He never did anything with those numbers. Just added to them every time we went somewhere. Didn't everyone live like that!?!
I now live in the central valley of California, Almond orchard central. Every year at this time the almonds are harvested. Some nice person doesn't climb a ladder and pick those little nuts one by one by hand. Oh, no! A farm worker, like the one at the end of my street this morning, climbs on board a shaker. It's a devious piece of farm equipment that I swear was invented by Tim Burton, or in the least, could be in one of his movies.

One of the byproducts of the shaking is the dust. We have no rain here during the summer growing season so things are pretty dry, dusty and dirty. The dust is everywhere and they even have to put "low visibility" signs on the streets because it's downright dangerous at times to drive through it as you can't see a thing. It makes it's way down the streets and through the fields and into my little house and all over my furniture. I can dust one minute and it's back the next. It's a futile pursuit, but one I keep at because I have the misguided hope that at some point I will triumph!
During this time of year when the morning light is streaming into the house I can see the dust particles dancing in the air. You could write your name in the dust on my buffet in the dining room. Heck, you could write the Gettysburg Address on it! I just look at it and think of Dad and those license plate numbers on the dash.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I've been having computer problems as well. It started getting slower......and slower...... and slower. It kept hanging up and closing and basically driving me nuts. I took it in to our little town's local computer repair store. I love having a little shop locally that I can trust. They are awesome. I didn't have any viruses, thank goodness. They did put in a new hard drive and a new search engine. I went from Safari to Firefox. Most things are the same but I have a little tweaking to do. If you know me very well you know that I hate change so even a little change drives me nuts. Hmmmmmmmmmm.............
As soon as I get all settled I'll get you all catch up on what's been going on in my little corner of the world. In the meantime, give out hugs. They are free!!!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Out of the Darkness
This is a picture of my nephew, Paul, the eldest son of my middle sister. Paul was so close to my husband and I when he was little and it was like he was our own child. He was especially close to my daughter. He was proud of his service in the United States Army and served during Desert Storm. Sadly, on a July day in 2001 when he was just 36 years old, for a reason we will never know, Paul took his own life. Our lives and our world would never quite be the same again.
In the years since he died, I have been so taken aback by the number of people that I have discovered that suicide has affected. It has been a friend, a co-worker, a nurse, a shop owner, the list goes on. Many have had someone in their family who saw, for a brief moment, no way out of their personal pain. They leave behind a legacy of grief and guilt. "Why didn't I know?" "What could I have done?" "If I had only....."
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is at the forefront of research, education and prevention initiatives designed to reduce loss of life from suicide. With more than 33,000 lives lost each year in the U.S. and over one million worldwide, the importance of AFSP's mission has never been greater, nor their work more urgent. September 4th starts National Suicide Prevention week and culminates on September 10th with World Suicide Prevention day on September 10th. Through this organization, Out of the Darkness Walks are being held across the country to raise funds for research and education .
Why do they call it Out of the Darkness? For some, the pain and perceived shame is too difficult to talk about. We need to do all we can to support those around us who are hurting. We need tell those out there that see no "way out" that there is indeed a door of compassion and help they can reach for. We need to let those left behind know that there are others who know what they are going through and that they have our support and understanding.
This Saturday, September 10th, four generations of women in my family, including Paul's Mother, will participate in the Out of the Darkness Walk in Modesto to honor his memory. We covet your prayers during that day. I know it will be difficult for us all. If you see it in your heart to donate to this organization, please contact me via my email and I will give you the information needed to do so.
Thank you so much.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Labor Day

Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Public Service Announcement!

Well, bloggers out there, Ree is going to have her very own cooking show on Food Network! All I can say is it's about time and good going to the folks at Food Network.
The show is slated to start this Saturday, August 27th. Check out the link to her show for more information and check your local listings for the time in your neck of the woods. Set your TIVO or Direct TV or sit in front of your television set until it comes on. This is going to be HUGE!!!
Good luck, Ree!!!!
*Disclaimer: The fact that I have on my bucket list to either meet Ree or win one of her many contests had nothing to do with my glowing report of her upcoming show. But if it helps..........
Monday, August 22, 2011
The Help

Have you read IT? Have you seen IT? I think if anyone asked anyone on the planet that question right now they wouldn't even have to ask what they were talking about. Everyone knows it's all about The Help right now.
I started to read the book when it first came out. But after a nasty run in with our local librarian I was unable to finish it. (I won't go into the gory details. Just suffice it to say that I don't agree with their renewal policies.) At the time I didn't know what a classic, powerful book it was or I would have broken down and purchased it so I could finish it. In fact I think the only reason I even started to read it in the first place was because the main character's name is Skeeter and that's my husband's nick name. We don't call him anything else.
There hasn't been a time in the past two years that I haven't seen it somewhere either on book shelves, book club reader lists or on book review blogs. Then it was announced that it was being made into a movie and I knew that this was something special that I needed to look into.
My clever sister's (see previous post) friend is in town visiting and I suggested that we go see it. All I can say is WOW!!!! When was the last time you were in a theater where there was laughing, crying, clapping and cheering? This movie is not to be missed. Take your daughters, mothers, sisters, friends. Take the men in your life as well. They will love it, too! It is life altering.
After watching the movie, we walked across the street for lunch where we ate outside. While we were there a group of ladies came by, obviously on their way to see the film. They were all dressed in the period from the film, the early sixties. They looked like they were all on their way over to Hilly's house for bridge! I wish I would have run over and taken their pictures. It was adorable!!
I ran down to Target and bought the book as they had it on sale for $10! I'm going to snuggle down and read it soon.
Suffice it to say this book (and the movie) is a true phenomenon. Kathryn Stockett has done an exemplary job. The book should be on every school's must read list. It will go down as a modern classic.
So, what are you waiting for? Go. Go now. Read the book. Go see the movie. Let me know what you think!
One word of warning. When you go see the movie, take kleenex!!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
My Clever Sister

Like I said, isn't my sister clever?