Our second grandson is home sick from school today. My daughter called me yesterday and asked me to pick him up at school for her. He was running a fever and looked so pitiful. The school nurse did say what a nice, polite little boy he is.

This is him when he was feeling better! I took him home and told him that if he needed to stay home from school the next day I would take care of him and pamper him. "What does pamper mean, Grandma?" "Well, it's like spoiling someone. Taking care of them and doing a lot of things to make them feel better." He smiled and just nodded his head.
Last night when my daughter decided it was best to keep him home from school today she told him that she would drop him off at Grandma's in the morning and that "she would pamper you." His eyes got real big and he said with a big grin on his face, "I know what that means!"
Yep, that's me. Lean, mean, pampering machine!!! Chicken soup in Toy Story shapes, ice cream bars (medicinal purposes only!), popsicles, jello, 7-up, apples with caramel dip. He's all tucked into our bed with lots of pillows and is watching his favorite television shows.
I'm really sorry the little guy is sick, but I'm loving having him here to take care of.
Sorry your little guy isn't feeling well. I bet you are one great lean, mean pampering machine!
I am sorry the little guy is sick. But if Grandma is all this great, I might fake being sick. Wow, it would be fun to be ill..... Hugs, sandi
You're a wonderful Grandma Miss Jean! I hope your little guy is feeling better soon!
Surprise! I got my blog post finished tonight by a total fluke of free time. How did that happen? ha ha Come on over for a visit and you'll see your beautiful pic!
By the way, this post is DARLING! You are such a good Grandma!!1
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