Thursday, March 27, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Monday, Monday......
On a down note, I did my back in on Friday and have been in bed all weekend. I was moving a flower pot and set it down and WHAM! Major pain! I have a bad back anyway. I promise I was bending my knees and doing everything I was supposed to do. It was like an electrical shock across the back. I'm going to the doctor today to make sure I didn't do something major like slip a disc or something. I was supposed to take my mom to see my Uncle Carl in Concord Friday which we had to cancel. Also, Sweety and I had reservations to taking the grandsons to Monterey for three days. I was waiting until today to see if we could still go. I'm better, but don't think I can haul luggage around or drive for three hours straight. I know they are going to be disappointed. We're going to see if we can take them somewhere for the day later in the week and maybe take in a movie.
Did you ever have something happen that made you cancel your plans? Or have you ever gotten ready to leave the house and can't find your keys? Something in the back of my head always tells me that God kept me off the road at that time for a reason. So I never get to upset when those things happen. It's like I'm being protected.
It's been difficult for Sweety and I this weekend with little Maggie (Tasmanian Devil, The Terror of Escalon, Little Miss I Want Attention All The Time) as far as housebreaking is concerned. I haven't been able to be of much help. It's something that you have to stay on top of and we haven't been able to. It'll get better. Please!!! We just have to stay focused and in tune with her little schedule. She's a hoot! She has claimed ownership of my slippers. She runs around with one in her mouth - and it's bigger than she is! You take your life into your hands if you are barefoot! "Yea, toes!!!"
This is a picture of Maggie and Finnegan napping at Becky's.
Finnegan, "When is she going to leave so I can get all the attention?"
Maggie, "I can't wait to move to Miss Jean and Sweety's house so I can be a Scotty Diva!"
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Easter Wishes

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Anyway, Sweety and I had been out there last month to look at the puppies since we had been planning on getting a Scotty. We had Marjorie for 15 years and miss her terribly. I had planned on getting another Scotty after I retired, mostly because this is what Sweety wanted. We loved the puppies but weren't quite ready for one as we have plans for some trips this summer. So then we get a call from Becky. "Miss Jean, you have to come and look at this little girl. She is soooooo sweet." Sorta like, "would you like a piece of candy, little girl?" When we went over and Sweety saw her I knew that it was a done deal. He fell in love with her. So we went home and talked about it (I listened, he talked) and called Becky back. "Ok, we'll take her. We'll come get her tomorrow." Becky and her hubby are so special that since we had some out of town commitments already planned this Saturday and three days next week that they are going to puppy-sit for us! I know! I told you they are great!! It'll be quite an adjustment I'm sure but she is a little dear and we love her bunches already. Sweety loves to hold her but she wants her new Mommy (Mommy Jean)!
So with no further ado, I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our family! (Drum roll please) Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with great pleasure for me to present:
Maggie, Miss Jean and Sweety!
(On a side note. You may notice that I write "I know" a lot. "I know!" My Sweety and I have discovered Craig Ferguson (fellow Scotsman to Maggie) on late night tv. That's one of his catch phrases. The man is absolutely roll on the floor hilarious. Tune him in one night and see what I mean. I know!)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Tag, You're It!

Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Thank you, Mary!!

Thanks again, Mary!
Friday, March 14, 2008
An Enlightening Day.....

The rules for the “You Make My Day” award are to present it to those whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blog land. Let them know through email or by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Blogland is filled with such wonderful people. I know that we all have our days, like I have just experienced, where we are off our game and are less than nice. But for the most part, I feel that bloggers as a rule are positive, caring and unselfish people. There are lots of bloggers I could give this to so if I don't mention you, please don't take offence. I appreciate you all and want to thank you all for enriching my life.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Nobody puts Baby in the corner......
This past week we had a new fence put in the back yard. Now for you non-Californians, we fence our back yards in with a six foot high fence on three sides. My family from Georgia cannot understand why we do it. At times I wonder myself. When I lived in Michigan we didn't have fences. Your neighbor's lawn just blended into yours and created a vast green expanse. It was strange at first when we moved out here. However, as a homeowner I have come to appreciate fences. Fences do truly make good neighbors. I care how the front of the neighborhood houses look as it affects property values . However, I really don't care how a person keeps up their house inside (whatever makes you happy!) and I don't care how they keep up their back yards as long as there are no weeds peaking over the top of my fence. I am very meticulous with my yard as noted by my aching back. It would be disappointing to put in all that work and expense only to have it overshadowed by the neighborhood "messies" if there was no fence to screen it.
While the old fence was down I had a lovely view of the almond orchard blooming behind us and horses in their pasture. But alas, I knew that the cons would outway the pros for putting the new one up. So I am just thrilled to have a brand new fence. It defines my space and encloses my little piece of heaven on earth.
Speaking of space. Dirty Dancing is one of my all time favorite movies. I remember dancing around the family room with my daughter during the last dance scene. It was majic-the movie, not my dancing! There is a great line in in it where Johnny is teaching Baby how to dance. "This is my space!" "This is your space." You may have heard by now that Patrick Swayze is fighting pancreatic cancer. I'm sure that you all join me in sending him your thoughts and prayers for a speedy and full recovery.

Monday, March 3, 2008
It's a Small, Small World
I suppose something like this would depend on what life experiences you are going through at the time. I for one, right now, am going through a "friendship situation". I am not going to go into details. No need. Let's just say that women can be really hurtful at times. What I do want to say is that I cherish and appreciate my friendship with my friend Nikki. Our friendship has evolved over the last 21 years from being an acquaintance to a co-worker to a friend to a BFF in the whole wide world friend. We're the same in a lot of ways but also have our differences. Rather than the differences being a problem, we view them as an asset. I'm so thankful that she is a part of my life.
I want to also mention Becky. I am so thankful to have her as my new friend. We met in an interesting Kevin Bacon Six Degrees of Separation sort of way. It started when I was checking out one of my favorite quilt web sites, Fig Tree Quilts. She had a link for a blog! "I wonder what a blog is", I asked innocently? "My, what are those links?" Off into cyberspace I went. Somehow I found a link to The Old Painted Cottage. This is a wonderful site and if you haven't been there, stop by. Jennifer has an area where she showcases cottages of the month. I was going through them all and I noticed that July of 2007 was "Becky" from "Modesto, California". Well, ladies and gentlemen, that is only 10 minutes down the road from my little town of Escalon so I was really excited. I started scrolling through the pictures and was hooked. What a lovely home! Then I got excited when I started seeing Scottish Terrier collectibles since I'm a Scotty nut. Then I saw the picture of Duhgall, a real live Scotty and I screamed. We're planning on getting a new Scotty this year. Woo Hoo! A kindred spirit!!!! My plan was to contact Jennifer and ask her to have Becky contact me. I wanted to talk Scotty groomer, breeders, vets, etc.. Before I could do that I stopped by one of our local antique shops in Modesto, Remember When. I started chatting with the owner about "stuff" and then I mentioned blogs. She asked if I had seen The Old Painted Cottage. I told her how I had planned on contacting Becky, etc., etc.. "Well", she said, "Becky rents a space in the shop. Let me call her and you can talk." Get Out Of Town!!! We talked for a long time (sorry I used up so many minutes). We've gotten together at each other's home, gone shopping, out to dinner with our Sweety's and have developed what I hope will be a lasting friendship. Becky and her Sweety are just wonderful people. I consider myself Aunty Jean to Doogs.
Thank you Lord for my lasting friendship with Nikki and my new friendship with Becky!!! My prayer is for each of you to have friendships in your life as dear as I do.
So, back to the game. My six word memoir is:
Because nice matters - cherish your friends!
Here are the rules to the game:
1. Write your own six word memoir (see above)
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like. Yellow roses represent friendship.
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible, so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.
4. Tag five more blogs with links
5.Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!
Now I am inviting the following gals to play along:
1. Amy at Fours Sisters In A Cottage because she is a new blog friend and she is a great gal!!!!
2. Anna at Thimbleanna because she is a new blog friend and is the sweetest person!!
3. Nicole atSister's Choice Quilts because she is an awesome quilter and I'm in love with her dog!!!
4. Susan at A View From Here because she is one of my favorite authors and I love her books. I don't know Susan so I'm being a little (a whole lot) brave with this one.
5. Lynda at Hedgerow Hollow. This was my "wild card." I just starting going from link to link till I decided to stop. I wanted a new one that I had never been to. Her blog is beautiful and she is a talented lady who lives in Ontario, Canada. In our travels we have found that Canadians are some of the kindest and most friendly people on this earth.
So there you are. Whether you take up the challenge or not, or if you are just visiting my blog today, take the time to remember your friends. Give them a call, send them a card or write them a letter and let them know how much they mean to you.
Have a great week!!!