My son's hobby is photography and he has taken some wonderful pictures. Here's one of Maggie! She looks so demure and sweet. Sweet, yes, demure, not so much!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Christmas Gift
I have joined a quilt guild here in Colorado and have had the opportunity to make new friends, learn new things, and have lots of fun. On Wednesdays I go to Above and Beyond, a Sewing and Vacuum shop for a weekly meeting. The shop lets us know all the latest and greatest things going on in the sewing world, we have show and tell from those attending, and we have some sort of demo of something we can make. It can be a bag, an ornament, holiday pillows complete with lights or anything someone wants to share.
For Christmas we have a pot luck and a gift exchange. The gift is supposed to be something that we have made. We're all quilters, sewers, knitters or embroiderers so it only makes sense that we make something rather than buying something.
I was stumped as to what to make. Then I ran across a post from The Pattern Basket blog. They are a great pattern company and I just love their patterns. As a holiday gift, they graciously posted a free pattern for this darling pin cushion. You can see it here.
This is what I came up with. I am really happy with how it turned out and I hope whoever gets it will be pleased.
I made mine with Christmas fabrics to go with our holiday theme. I can see them made up in all kinds of holiday fabrics and I'd like to figure out how to attach other types of figurines on the top. I think I'll make myself one or two. Maybe a Fourth of July pin cushion and, of course, a Scottie pin cushion!!
Thanks, Pattern Basket, I don't know what I would have done without you!!!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Hey, there, Georgia Bloggers!
This is a shout out to all the bloggers out there that live in Georgia (or Georgia visitors). We have a family friend that will be in Savannah next week on business. Do any of you have any ideas and suggestions as to any "must see" things he can do? So far, all he has come up with is ghost tours and the Paula Deen restaurant. There must be some more "guy" things out there. I've been to Georgia to visit family but have never made it to Savannah.
I've asked my Georgia family but they have gotten back to me as yet. Let me know so he can experience the true beauty and hospitality of Georgia like I have many times.
Thanks, ya'll!!
I've asked my Georgia family but they have gotten back to me as yet. Let me know so he can experience the true beauty and hospitality of Georgia like I have many times.
Thanks, ya'll!!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Good Golly Miss Maggie!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It was quiet here at our house. Just hubs and I so we went out to eat. Spent the weekend watching movies - Seeking a Friend for the End of the World and The Iron Lady. I had seen "Seeking" at the theater with my sister but hubs wanted to see it. A real tear jerker. The Iron Lady with Meryl Streep was excellent. Who knew all that was going on in England. I was too busy with kids and a job to be aware of it all. At the time I thought someone else should get the Academy Award, but that's because I hadn't seen Meryl become - become - The Iron Lady! Wow!
The other day I took Maggie to PetSmart to be fitted for a harness. I bought her one called an Easy Walk. She has a nice pink tartan harness that matches her collar and leash but, as the trainer explained to me, they just encourage your dog to pull like a sled dog. That's exactly what Maggie does and she has made me fall - twice! Ouch! I can't afford to end of with a broken anything so off to PetSmart we went. After Super Great Trainer Brenda fitted Maggie and showed me what to do, we went to our local shopping center and walked. No pulling, no stress, just a great time. We got lots of smiles and remarks about how cute Maggie is, but the one who made the biggest fuss was a teenage boy! How cool is that?
I'm taking Maggie back for private lessons after the holidays. Now that we have the leash problem solved, she just has two other "issues" we want to work on. One, she jumps on people when they come over. Most of the time it's just for a little bit and then she leaves them alone. For some reason, though, she took a liking to hubs' physical therapist and would almost sit on his shoulders while he was trying to do his job. He didn't mind, as he has dogs at home. However, for some unknown reason in the universe, not everyone is a dog person, so I have to at least make an attempt to calm her down.
The other issue she has, which is the most serious one, is that if she were to get out she would be in Wyoming or New Mexico before we could catch her. Boy, does she run fast. She got out a couple times in California and we were able to catch her. However, if she were to get out and see a rabbit there would be no stopping her. So we'll be working on her "sit, down, stay, come" commands.
I don't know if I mentioned that we have a large pet door so she can go in and out on her own. "On your own, do you hear that, Maggie?" She'll sit by the door and wait for me to "click" the lock. Then she'll go out. Don't ask - I have no idea why. Other times she'll just stand there with her head out the pet door trying to decide if it's worth her time to go out.
I'm telling you. Owning a Scottie is an adventure. A big wonderful fun adventure!
Have a great week!!
The other day I took Maggie to PetSmart to be fitted for a harness. I bought her one called an Easy Walk. She has a nice pink tartan harness that matches her collar and leash but, as the trainer explained to me, they just encourage your dog to pull like a sled dog. That's exactly what Maggie does and she has made me fall - twice! Ouch! I can't afford to end of with a broken anything so off to PetSmart we went. After Super Great Trainer Brenda fitted Maggie and showed me what to do, we went to our local shopping center and walked. No pulling, no stress, just a great time. We got lots of smiles and remarks about how cute Maggie is, but the one who made the biggest fuss was a teenage boy! How cool is that?
I'm taking Maggie back for private lessons after the holidays. Now that we have the leash problem solved, she just has two other "issues" we want to work on. One, she jumps on people when they come over. Most of the time it's just for a little bit and then she leaves them alone. For some reason, though, she took a liking to hubs' physical therapist and would almost sit on his shoulders while he was trying to do his job. He didn't mind, as he has dogs at home. However, for some unknown reason in the universe, not everyone is a dog person, so I have to at least make an attempt to calm her down.
The other issue she has, which is the most serious one, is that if she were to get out she would be in Wyoming or New Mexico before we could catch her. Boy, does she run fast. She got out a couple times in California and we were able to catch her. However, if she were to get out and see a rabbit there would be no stopping her. So we'll be working on her "sit, down, stay, come" commands.
I don't know if I mentioned that we have a large pet door so she can go in and out on her own. "On your own, do you hear that, Maggie?" She'll sit by the door and wait for me to "click" the lock. Then she'll go out. Don't ask - I have no idea why. Other times she'll just stand there with her head out the pet door trying to decide if it's worth her time to go out.
I'm telling you. Owning a Scottie is an adventure. A big wonderful fun adventure!
Have a great week!!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Attention Bloggers
Do any of you know why I can't add anymore links to my blog? I have found many new and wonderful blogs, but sadly, I can't add them to my list. I can delete, but not add. What's up with that?
Monday, November 12, 2012
That Maggie!
This morning I spent quite a bit of time out front shoveling snow and ice. The house faces northeast and ours is the last house on the block, possibly the city, where the snow melts. I swear there will be snow in our yard in August! I wanted to get it cleared as I'm so afraid either the lawn guys, the paper delivery person or our neighbor might slip and fall. Besides, I didn't want to fall taking out the garbage cans. The driveway is sloped so that doesn't help matters at all. I got it cleared up as much as possible, taking baby steps all the time and being careful. (I did find some salt stuff later that I sprinkled around. That stuff really works!)
So Deloris, our neighbor, and I take the dogs for a walk. There was still ice on the driveway so Maggie and I walk down to the sidewalk through the our yard. It was full of snow but at least was not icy. We had gotten around the block when Maggie sees a rabbit, pulls the leash and......yes.....I fell! So much for being careful. I bruised my knee and I'm sure it's going to be sore in the morning.
Tell me this. Why do we get embarrassed when we do things like that? It's like we've done something wrong or anything. I just laughed it off but I still felt silly. That's the second time Maggie has done that to me. I fell one day walking back from the mail box from her pulling me. I managed to throw myself on the grass so I wasn't hurt, but I looked around to make sure no one saw me.
I'm going to have to have a talk with Maggie! In the meantime, I think I'll go sit down. Very carefully!
So Deloris, our neighbor, and I take the dogs for a walk. There was still ice on the driveway so Maggie and I walk down to the sidewalk through the our yard. It was full of snow but at least was not icy. We had gotten around the block when Maggie sees a rabbit, pulls the leash and......yes.....I fell! So much for being careful. I bruised my knee and I'm sure it's going to be sore in the morning.
Tell me this. Why do we get embarrassed when we do things like that? It's like we've done something wrong or anything. I just laughed it off but I still felt silly. That's the second time Maggie has done that to me. I fell one day walking back from the mail box from her pulling me. I managed to throw myself on the grass so I wasn't hurt, but I looked around to make sure no one saw me.
I'm going to have to have a talk with Maggie! In the meantime, I think I'll go sit down. Very carefully!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Catching Up
Things are going well here. We spent a great time yesterday with some friends that I met through blogging, Mary and her husband Bill. They live about three hours south of here and were going out of state. Since we live only about 20 minutes from Denver International Airport, we had them leave their truck here and we took them to the airport so they wouldn't have to pay for parking. It gave us a perfect opportunity to catch up as we don't see them that often. We do plan on driving down to visit soon, weather permitting. Go check out Mary's blog. You're in for a treat.
I've been attempting to "get out there" and do things and meet people. When you have a hobby like quilting, it's really easy to do. I've joined a quilt guild and have met a great group of gals there. We have meetings once a month and an open sew day once a month. I go to a quilt shop near here for open sewing one day a month and will start going on another day for a day of needlework. I plan on working on hand sewing my bindings on that day. The shop is expanding their square footage so both of these groups may start meeting twice a month. Thanks, Jeanne!!!
Once a week I go to a meeting at a local Sew and Vacuum shop for sew and tell and a craft demonstration. Great group of gals!
I've just learned of another sewing group I want to look into and I plan on asking someone to refresh me in crocheting. I'm going to drop in to the local library as they have a once a month garden club meeting. I don't want to get too involved in that, but since Colorado gardening is so different than California, I need to get all the help I can. Lastly, one of my neighbors has invited Maggie and I to go walking with her and her friend.
I guess the point of all this is that I know it's difficult to move away from family and friends. You have no idea how it can hurt. But if you are in the same position as I am, get out there! Don't just sit at home. If you have a hobby, look into local guilds and clubs. If you don't have a "crafty" hobby, but you read and you miss your book club, go to the local library. Perhaps they have book clubs like ours does. Volunteering is another avenue to explore. I have some ideas there that I would like to pursue but want to get through a snowy winter first so I can see how that will affect my going places. Winters are not too severe here in this area so I'm hoping I can get out and volunteer and one of the local animal rescue shelters at least one day a month. You may be thinking that I've committed myself to to many things. True. However, that doesn't mean I have to do them all. I can see which ones are best for me and pare them down. In the meantime, like I said, I'm getting out there.
I miss my family and sewing friends something awful. But when they come visit me look at all the wonderful places I can take them to and introduce them to some great people.
Have a wonderful weekend! We are due for some cold, rainy and snowy weather this weekend so I plan on either quilting, reading or napping. My guess it's going to be all three!!!
I've been attempting to "get out there" and do things and meet people. When you have a hobby like quilting, it's really easy to do. I've joined a quilt guild and have met a great group of gals there. We have meetings once a month and an open sew day once a month. I go to a quilt shop near here for open sewing one day a month and will start going on another day for a day of needlework. I plan on working on hand sewing my bindings on that day. The shop is expanding their square footage so both of these groups may start meeting twice a month. Thanks, Jeanne!!!
Once a week I go to a meeting at a local Sew and Vacuum shop for sew and tell and a craft demonstration. Great group of gals!
I've just learned of another sewing group I want to look into and I plan on asking someone to refresh me in crocheting. I'm going to drop in to the local library as they have a once a month garden club meeting. I don't want to get too involved in that, but since Colorado gardening is so different than California, I need to get all the help I can. Lastly, one of my neighbors has invited Maggie and I to go walking with her and her friend.
I guess the point of all this is that I know it's difficult to move away from family and friends. You have no idea how it can hurt. But if you are in the same position as I am, get out there! Don't just sit at home. If you have a hobby, look into local guilds and clubs. If you don't have a "crafty" hobby, but you read and you miss your book club, go to the local library. Perhaps they have book clubs like ours does. Volunteering is another avenue to explore. I have some ideas there that I would like to pursue but want to get through a snowy winter first so I can see how that will affect my going places. Winters are not too severe here in this area so I'm hoping I can get out and volunteer and one of the local animal rescue shelters at least one day a month. You may be thinking that I've committed myself to to many things. True. However, that doesn't mean I have to do them all. I can see which ones are best for me and pare them down. In the meantime, like I said, I'm getting out there.
I miss my family and sewing friends something awful. But when they come visit me look at all the wonderful places I can take them to and introduce them to some great people.
Have a wonderful weekend! We are due for some cold, rainy and snowy weather this weekend so I plan on either quilting, reading or napping. My guess it's going to be all three!!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Silly Post
I know, with all that's going on in the world, this may seem like a silly post. However, I have a question. Why, in all of the big state of Colorado, can we not find linguica? **I suppose I should have added exactly what linguica is. It's a Portuguese sausage. There are German brats, Mexican chorizo, and Polish sausage. They are all good, but we like love linguica the best. We have only eaten it fried and eaten on french rolls as a sandwich or added to my baked beans. I'm sure there are many other recipes for it.
Good, homemade, butcher shop linguica?
It's been a staple at our house for years. It's the "secret" ingredient in my famous baked beans.
I know I can get it mail order but I want to run down to the local grocery store and get some. I have until next year's bbq season to find it. Otherwise I'll be forced to mail order it and pay higher prices.
While I'm at it, why don't they serve Chili Colorado in Mexican restaurants here in Colorado but they do in California?
Inquiring minds need to know!
Good, homemade, butcher shop linguica?
It's been a staple at our house for years. It's the "secret" ingredient in my famous baked beans.
I know I can get it mail order but I want to run down to the local grocery store and get some. I have until next year's bbq season to find it. Otherwise I'll be forced to mail order it and pay higher prices.
While I'm at it, why don't they serve Chili Colorado in Mexican restaurants here in Colorado but they do in California?
Inquiring minds need to know!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
***Well, I didn't win. That's alright. At least I found out what the post was. Elizabeth told me it was from The Lettered Cottage. Although I didn't win the beautiful-to-die-for velvet pumpkins, I'm so happy for those who did.
I love to enter blog give-aways. I've been fortunate to have been able to win a few and that's always fun. Well, I have got to do a better job with my record keeping. I entered a blog give-away and left myself a note that says, "Love Fest Oct. 7". Can I find it now? Oh, no! For some reason Yahoo has changed the history to only show the last two days.
Does anyone out there know what this blog drawing might be? Thanks.
*I am still using the Hub's computer and I have found where the History is set up to only keep for two days. I've changed it to one year. With that said, I still don't know where that contest is! I know that I don't need to win every contest I enter but this is driving me crazy.
I love to enter blog give-aways. I've been fortunate to have been able to win a few and that's always fun. Well, I have got to do a better job with my record keeping. I entered a blog give-away and left myself a note that says, "Love Fest Oct. 7". Can I find it now? Oh, no! For some reason Yahoo has changed the history to only show the last two days.
Does anyone out there know what this blog drawing might be? Thanks.
*I am still using the Hub's computer and I have found where the History is set up to only keep for two days. I've changed it to one year. With that said, I still don't know where that contest is! I know that I don't need to win every contest I enter but this is driving me crazy.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Winter Wonderland
Well, it's not winter, but it's a wonderland outside. I woke up early this morning (5:00 a.m.) knowing it was going to freeze. I was greeted by snow!!!!!! It's now 7:30 a.m., 28 degrees outside, and the snow is still on the ground, although it's melting off the streets. That's good for the commuters. For us retired folks, doesn't matter!
We are supposed to be clear until around dinner time when we might get some more flurries. Tomorrow is supposed to be just as cold and a tad warmer on Sunday. Monday? In the 70's! The saying around here is, "If you don't like the weather, wait a day!"
I was raised in Michigan so you would think that this would be old hat for me. It's been a long time, though, and I'm sure I didn't appreciate it back then. The great thing about Colorado snow, in particular the area we live in, is that it doesn't hang around long. Not like the midwest and east where you can get snowed in for days and days. That said, I plan on stocking up on batteries, granola bars, other food staples and some good books. I've heard that the power rarely goes out here but if it does, we have a gas fireplace. I wonder if Starbucks delivers?
My very own Little House on the Prairie!
We are supposed to be clear until around dinner time when we might get some more flurries. Tomorrow is supposed to be just as cold and a tad warmer on Sunday. Monday? In the 70's! The saying around here is, "If you don't like the weather, wait a day!"
I was raised in Michigan so you would think that this would be old hat for me. It's been a long time, though, and I'm sure I didn't appreciate it back then. The great thing about Colorado snow, in particular the area we live in, is that it doesn't hang around long. Not like the midwest and east where you can get snowed in for days and days. That said, I plan on stocking up on batteries, granola bars, other food staples and some good books. I've heard that the power rarely goes out here but if it does, we have a gas fireplace. I wonder if Starbucks delivers?
My very own Little House on the Prairie!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Denver has been selected as the site for the first Presidential Debate. While that is wonderful and I would love to go see my favorite candidate (whose initials are M.R.!!), I'm going to stay home that day. Highway 25 runs smack dab through Denver and because of the close proximity to the debate site, they plan on closing - yes closing - a good stretch of it that day. On a Wednesday, on a work day. It's going to cause quite a traffic mess and I'm imagining that the main street that our little track runs off of may even see some heavier than usual traffic with people trying to connect to one of the other freeways. So I think I'll try to stay home as much as I can, although I do have an appointment later in the day.
What do you think? Are you going to watch the debates? Are you tired of the rhetoric? Is your mind made up? One of our local channels is doing something which I feel is great. While being strictly impartial to party affiliation, they are looking at the campaign commercials and researching as to whether what is being said is true or false. You'd be surprised - or not - as to the amount of stuff out there that is totally no true. It's the old don't believe everything that you read - or hear.
My advise? Pray about it and vote with your heart and your head.
Have a wonderful weekend!
What do you think? Are you going to watch the debates? Are you tired of the rhetoric? Is your mind made up? One of our local channels is doing something which I feel is great. While being strictly impartial to party affiliation, they are looking at the campaign commercials and researching as to whether what is being said is true or false. You'd be surprised - or not - as to the amount of stuff out there that is totally no true. It's the old don't believe everything that you read - or hear.
My advise? Pray about it and vote with your heart and your head.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Monday, September 24, 2012
I know I have been M.I.A. and I apologize for that. Sometimes life just gets in the way.
I wanted to mention my latest adventure. The day before yesterday Maggie had been out in the side yard barking, something she rarely does. She runs around and acts crazy, but seldom barks. She started in again yesterday afternoon so I thought I would go see what she was up to. The only thing on that side of the house is the neighbor's dog on the other side of the fence. A little old, blind dog that is rarely out so I thought something might not be right. Boy, was I correct!
I was under the distinct impression that the state of Colorado knew we were here and had taken care of all the wild west and wild animal "nonsense." Oh, no!!! We have basements here in Colorado. Lovely basements with lots of potential. That also means basement window wells such as this. We have three of them along that side of the house. Maggie was standing by the one that closest to the front having fits. The side fence goes over part of it so it's open to the back yard and the front. I got this sinking feeling that a poor little bunny fell in and couldn't get out. That would have not been too bad. I could have figured out how to get the poor little furry thing out.
Was it a bunny? No!!!! Of course not!!!! That's what would have happened to anyone else but me. Staring up at me was a rather large raccoon. I could just hear it saying, "Get me out of here!" Now raccoons, although they look cute, can be dangerous, especially when cornered. I figured that Maggie might have been chasing it and it fell in while it was trying to get away. You have seen the movies. Someone is running from the cops, they hop a fence and there is a hole on the other side.
I didn't know if it's little legs were broken from the fall and I certainly didn't want it to stay there and starve to death. I called out local animal control and thought for sure they would come and save the day. You have to understand that we have the occasional raccoon, rabbit, fox and coyote in our neighborhoods so I figured they were on top of things like this. Does animal control do wild animals? Oh, no! I was told to call a pest control company and have them come out - and have to pay them to take care of it. Good grief!
I went and got the neighbor and showed him my dilemma. He's lived here for years and nothing like that had ever happened to him. Of course not. They were waiting for me to get here. Anyway, he suggested that I put a large piece of wood down the well and wait for it to crawl out during the night. About then, the hubs suggested a ladder. I ended up putting a large dead branch and the ladder both. After it got dark I went down in the basement to check, but it was still there. I suppose I could have stayed down there and done some quilting while it watched, but those beady eyes were a little unnerving!
I checked again a couple hours later and it was gone. Whew! I had a stack of old fence boards out back so I covered the other two window wells. I covered the backyard side of the front well but don't have anything to cover the front yard part. Not attractive, but it will do the trick until I can get to Home Depot and get some window well grates to cover them all.
So, I need to go get the ladder out of the window well. Then wait to see what happens next. It's always something! I guess dealing with snails in California wasn't so bad after all!!!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Sleep - I need sleep!!!
For some reason, since we've moved both hubs and I have had terrible insomnia. It's a little disconcerting to lay (lie?) in bed for hours with your mind racing a mile a minute. I can't tell you how many times I've been up when the neighbors are going to work. I'll be up all night and finally get to sleep around 7:00 a.m. and then sleep until after noon. This is not productive! Plus if I don't get enough sleep I get headaches. Even though I can't sleep, I am still tired so getting any projects done is out of the question so all I can do is watch television. Do you know how terrible television is in the middle of the night? Good grief!
Our paper gets delivered between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.. Many mornings I have it read and the puzzles done by 6:00 a.m.. I'm lucky it gets delivered right on our porch. I had to call them a few times complaining of missing papers. The last time I called I had to remind them that I was too old to be fishing a newspaper out from under a car in the driveway. I was a little concerned what I would do once it started snowing. ("Honey, that neighbor lady seems to be frozen under the car again!") When I called, the customer service rep said, "would you like it delivered on to your porch?" Duh!!!!!
I've tried lots of things. No caffeine after noon. Taking Melatonin. Taking Tylenol P.M.. Even taking sleeping pills. Nothing!
So, dear friends, HELP!!!! Have you ever had this problem? What have you done that has worked for you? I need to get a life and I have things to do and this isn't helping matters any.
Off to a quilt show with hubs Saturday and hopefully Sunday we can go see the Incredible Molly Brown Museum, a Denver native of the Titanic "fame". *We've decided to wait until the 28th to go to the Museum. Here in Denver they have once a month free admission to most every museum in town. The Denver Art Museum, the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, The Aquarium, The Molly Brown Museum and the Denver Botanical Garden to name a few. How cool is that?
You all have a great weekend!
Our paper gets delivered between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.. Many mornings I have it read and the puzzles done by 6:00 a.m.. I'm lucky it gets delivered right on our porch. I had to call them a few times complaining of missing papers. The last time I called I had to remind them that I was too old to be fishing a newspaper out from under a car in the driveway. I was a little concerned what I would do once it started snowing. ("Honey, that neighbor lady seems to be frozen under the car again!") When I called, the customer service rep said, "would you like it delivered on to your porch?" Duh!!!!!
I've tried lots of things. No caffeine after noon. Taking Melatonin. Taking Tylenol P.M.. Even taking sleeping pills. Nothing!
So, dear friends, HELP!!!! Have you ever had this problem? What have you done that has worked for you? I need to get a life and I have things to do and this isn't helping matters any.
Off to a quilt show with hubs Saturday and hopefully Sunday we can go see the Incredible Molly Brown Museum, a Denver native of the Titanic "fame". *We've decided to wait until the 28th to go to the Museum. Here in Denver they have once a month free admission to most every museum in town. The Denver Art Museum, the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, The Aquarium, The Molly Brown Museum and the Denver Botanical Garden to name a few. How cool is that?
You all have a great weekend!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Sorry - still can't load pictures!
I needed to take Maggie to get her hair done yesterday. She was long overdue. In California I took her every two weeks for a wash and comb-out. It was her spa/play day. Since being in Colorado, I had only taken her once and hadn't been happy with them so I've been searching. I checked to get reviews but the best places are way downtown Denver and too far to go to. One of my neighbors suggested a place near here, but the reviewers on Yelp all said, "don't take your dogs here!"
The one place that was near our home and had great reviews was, of all places, PetSmart. Now I admit, I'm a snob when it comes to certain things. Not all things, but a few. When it comes to Maggie I want the very best. But I knew she needed done so I figured once wouldn't hurt and I could tell by her demeanor how she liked it when I got there.
I was so pleasantly surprised! One good thing was that her groomer, Jamie, had owned a Scottie so knew what she needed and the Scottie idiosyncrasies (they hate their nails to be clipped). When I picked Maggie up, Jamie was sitting down holding her and Maggie was happy. Maggie looked GORGEOUS and Jamie proceeded to tell me what the previous groomer had done wrong and what she will do in the future to get her into the perfect Scottie shape. Whew!!!! Also, I can set up the twice a week schedule like I had in California for the same price. The "regular" grooming places here are much more expensive.
After we picked her up we went to the local shopping center with her. Every Friday night they have a live band with music and it's great fun to walk around and people watch. It's like one big party. Maggie really enjoyed herself and got lots of smiles, although, I suspect some people thought she looked a little "girly" with two pink polka dot bows on her butt! I, on the other hand, think she looks ADORABLE! You just have to picture her running around the yard, pink bows and all, chasing rabbits!
My advise for the week is to check out for reviews and to realise that some places, even though you don't think they are worth going to, might just be the answer!
Have a great weekend! We're off to the local Farmer's Market! To my friends and family in California - Stay Cool!
I needed to take Maggie to get her hair done yesterday. She was long overdue. In California I took her every two weeks for a wash and comb-out. It was her spa/play day. Since being in Colorado, I had only taken her once and hadn't been happy with them so I've been searching. I checked to get reviews but the best places are way downtown Denver and too far to go to. One of my neighbors suggested a place near here, but the reviewers on Yelp all said, "don't take your dogs here!"
The one place that was near our home and had great reviews was, of all places, PetSmart. Now I admit, I'm a snob when it comes to certain things. Not all things, but a few. When it comes to Maggie I want the very best. But I knew she needed done so I figured once wouldn't hurt and I could tell by her demeanor how she liked it when I got there.
I was so pleasantly surprised! One good thing was that her groomer, Jamie, had owned a Scottie so knew what she needed and the Scottie idiosyncrasies (they hate their nails to be clipped). When I picked Maggie up, Jamie was sitting down holding her and Maggie was happy. Maggie looked GORGEOUS and Jamie proceeded to tell me what the previous groomer had done wrong and what she will do in the future to get her into the perfect Scottie shape. Whew!!!! Also, I can set up the twice a week schedule like I had in California for the same price. The "regular" grooming places here are much more expensive.
After we picked her up we went to the local shopping center with her. Every Friday night they have a live band with music and it's great fun to walk around and people watch. It's like one big party. Maggie really enjoyed herself and got lots of smiles, although, I suspect some people thought she looked a little "girly" with two pink polka dot bows on her butt! I, on the other hand, think she looks ADORABLE! You just have to picture her running around the yard, pink bows and all, chasing rabbits!
My advise for the week is to check out for reviews and to realise that some places, even though you don't think they are worth going to, might just be the answer!
Have a great weekend! We're off to the local Farmer's Market! To my friends and family in California - Stay Cool!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
New Cell Phone
I'm going to have to break down and get a new cell phone. My little old Samsun flip phone has seen it's last days I'm afraid. I don't want to pay for an IPhone. I'm much too cheap for that! I would like something that is easy to use and is small enough to put in my pocket.
Any recommendations - pro and con?
Any recommendations - pro and con?
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Ok, I'm having trouble here. What is blogger up to now? I cannot upload pictures. I also cannot add any new blogs to my links over on the side bar. Anyone out there know what's going on?
I am so not thrilled with the new "improved" format. I know I put myself as risk for saying that. What evil things can they do to my blog now?
I am so not thrilled with the new "improved" format. I know I put myself as risk for saying that. What evil things can they do to my blog now?
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Basement Ideas
While we are staying at my son's home here in Colorado, we are going to be overseeing the finishing of the basement. So, I have a question for all of you out there that have finished basements that you use as part of your living space:
What type of floors do you recommend? Carpet, wood, laminate?
What wall paint colors are you most happy with? White, creamy beige, soft pastels such as yellow, teal or minty green?
What have you done to your ceilings, especially if they are full of duct work and putting sheet rock or ceiling tiles up would make them too low?
Any other hints? We are going to start getting estimates and when I talk to the contractors I don't want to sound like I don't know what I'm doing...which I don't but don't tell them that!
I'm on Pinterest and have been collecting basement ideas there.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
New Email
One of the many things that happened to us during our move is that "that" internet/phone company locked us out of our email account. Don't ask me why because I don't even know. Free internet and they lock you out. What's up with that? Anyway, Sweetie contacted them once we got here and they finally got it fixed - sorta. They gave us a new email address ("Nope, sorry, you can't have your old one anymore.") and transferred our information over to the new address. Again, sorta. My email contacts were gone!!!!!! I'm not the type of gal that just says, "Oh, well." A friend of mine used to say, "Right's right and wrong's nowhere!" (I could get a job as a consumer advocate ala Ralph Nader! LOL!) So I got right on the phone. After what seemed like an entire afternoon, talking to people from two companies on two continents and being shuffled back in forth with a "he said, she said", I was able to talk to a very nice gentleman from Texas who knew what he was doing!! Imagine that! He said that what had probably happened was an "incomplete transfer" and he was given permission to have them do it again. I knew my contacts were sitting somewhere in the world on a server just waiting to come home to Mama. I was told to wait a day and then check them. The next day another nice gentleman called and asked me to check them and VOILA! THERE THEY WERE!!!! Hip Hip Hooray!!!
Why am I telling you this tale of whoa? Two things. First, if you ever have trouble with a computer or phone system and you need to call them do not, I repeat, do not talk to the first person who answers the phone. Insist on talking to a "level two technician". If they refuse, ask to speak to their supervisor. Remember, your call is taped and they don't want the entire chain of command hearing how they made you angry. You have the right to have someone who understands your problem and has the authority to fix it listen to you.
Second, like I said, my email has changed. If any of my blog friends need to email me and have my email in their contacts list, it will need to be changed. Just check out the new email in my profile section.
Whew! That even made me tired reading it. I think it's nap time in the Rockies!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Catching Up
I still don't have my lap top hooked up so I can load pictures. So another post sans pictures.
There hasn't been much going on around here lately as far as getting the house put together. Colorado has been experiencing record heat and we have had 100+ days. Even with the air conditioner on, it's difficult to get the energy to do anything. So I just use my retirement mantra, "There is always tomorrow!" I am getting a little weary of boxes, cords and unfinished projects so I'm hoping for a cool down soon.
I'm sure you are all aware of the fires that have ravaged parts of our adopted state. It is just horrible!!! The pictures in the paper are heartbreaking. One very poignant picture in the paper today shows a woman in Colorado Springs watering the lawn in front of her beautiful home. Across the street - just across the street, mind you- her neighbor's home is nothing but ash. Our little area of Colorado seems to be the only area that has not been threatened by fire. The state is supposed to be getting thunder storms this week which means more lightening which could mean more fires. By Friday, though, we are supposed to get some heavy rain which will be a praise.
With the Fourth of July coming up the state has banned the use of fireworks. Crazy thing, though, is they haven't banned, or cannot ban, the sale of fireworks. We have a big fireworks stand near our home. There are signs on the road just as you approach the stand that the use of fireworks has been banned. We all know, however, that there are crazy people out there who will still use them. So Wednesday, I'm holding my breath that there are not more fires started.
On another note, my sister from California came out for a visit. Other than having to deal with the heat we had a great time. Janice is not one to like to visit museums or the regular tourist spots. We spent an entire week of showing her around to the great restaurants in the area. We had so much fun. I lost count of all the times she said, "OMG!" when she tried a new restaurant. We did manage to take in a couple movies. One was at the Movie Tavern where you can order off a complete menu and eat while you watch. How cool is that? We saw Men In Black III there with the hubs. We also went to see "Seeking A Friend For the End of the World." What an awesome movie and I highly recommend it. Just take kleenex! The reviews in the paper say it's the comedy hit of the summer. This tells me that the reviewer didn't see it and thought that since Steve Carell was in it it had to be a comedy. NOT!!!! It's very poignant and a movie that will stay with you for days.
Well, that's all for now. Stay cool out there and stay safe on the 4th!!!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
I still don't have my laptop hooked up for wireless so I can't post any pictures. My brain is too frazzled from the move to even attempt to figure out how to do it on hub's Mac.
Becky left a comment about the bunny that Maggie caught and for her to be careful because of their teeth. I can't wait to show you a picture of them here. In California we have rather large field rabbits. Not too cute and they stay out in the fields.
What they have here are the cutest little, itty, bitty, cottontail bunnies. Something you would give your children at Easter if you didn't know better, but that's another story. They are all over the neighborhood and burrow around the foundation of the houses. Sometimes Maggie will sit with just her head poking out the pet door waiting - hoping. If she sees one, she's off to the races. The other day she was sitting in the entryway and looking out the storm door that is glass all the way down. She spotted a bunny on the neighbors lawn and went berserk! She actually got up on her hind legs and just stood straight up like a person. I tried to get a picture but my camera wasn't fast enough.
I remember the first time I came out here to visit our son. I was taking a walk in the neighborhood and saw a bunny in a front yard. I actually went up to the front door to ask them if they had a pet rabbit that had gotten out! I'm so glad no one was home!!!!
I think it's ironic that I have collected garden bunny statues over the years. I have them sitting in the back yard. Now they have furry friends as well.
Gotta go - things to do, things to do.....
Saturday, June 9, 2012
I'm Alive!!!
Thought I better pop in to let you all know that I'm still alive and kicking. We made the move to Colorado and what an experience it has been! I remember moving when I was younger and I would have everything unpacked and put away in one day. Sadly, those days are gone. I'm older, slower and have more stuff. We've been here a month and we still have a mound of boxes to wade through. Every time I open a box it's like Christmas! There are still some things I cannot find which is driving me nuts! I have all the boxes labeled by room but so far there are a few things hiding.
One thing that has been limiting me to getting more done is the altitude here. I'd heard it takes a while to get used to it and boy, is that the case. I'm out of breath constantly. Yesterday, for example, I hung some blinds up in the extra bedroom. They weren't cooperating and by the time I got done I had to go take a nap. "Had to", mind you! LOL!
I am less than thrilled with the colors of the walls so I don't see the sense of unpacking everything and hanging pictures until I can get them painted. I have to repair the ceiling fan in the kitchen because I pulled the chain to turn on the light and it broke. I had lumber cut so I can make the shelves in the pantry deeper and I need to paint them before I install them. It's been raining, though, so I have to wait till the weather clears up. Since we are retired things can wait until tomorrow. It doesn't have to get done in one day! Yay!
Speaking of weather....WOW! I'm from the mid west originally, so I enjoy a good storm. The other evening the wind started blowing and the clouds rolled in and it got dark fast. We had hail and rain. Then I heard a siren and went to the back door. "Honey, that's not a fire truck!" Yup! It was a tornado warning siren!!!!! Some of the neighbors were out front so I went out, introduced myself, and asked what they do here when there is a tornado warning. "Come outside and watch!" Just like when I was a kid! It was very exciting (we had no problems as it turns out) and I spent the next hour gathering pillows, water, medicine, food and other incidentals and taking it down to the basement. Then later I spent another hour bringing it back up. I'm going to put together an emergency box to keep down there so I don't have to do that again.
Maggie does not like thunder and lightening so she hides or follows me everywhere. Speaking of Maggie, she has realized her full potential as a terrier. You see, this part of Colorado has the cutest little wild bunny rabbits. They are everywhere! Running up and down the street, sitting in the grass, and burrowing under the houses. Cute, yes, but to Maggie, aka Big Game Hunter, they are the enemy! Our back yard is very large and she is constantly running full speed ahead looking for them. If she sees one, she chases it all over. The other day my husband said, "What does Maggie have in her mouth?" I went running to the back yard because I had this sinking feeling. Sadly, she had caught one. It's little paws were hanging out of her mouth! She was so proud of herself. Hopefully, they will get the picture to stay out of our yard.
It took over three weeks to get our internet hooked up and we still don't have wireless. I'm using my husband's computer now but when I can use mine, I'll be able to post pictures.
Today hubs and I are taking the day off and going to have lunch at a restaurant we discovered and then to our first visit to IKEA. This should be fun!!!
Happy to be back blogging!!!!! Toodles!!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Almost there.....
We're almost ready for the big move on Monday!!! We are having "issues" with our internet provider. Issues as in no access (I'm writing this post at my Mom's house). It's a well known company who has initials for there name, if you catch my drift. I've been told that others are having the same problem as well. This is not a good time to be without email service. I have people I need to contact but don't know there phone numbers or email address. There customer service has been less than helpful and hubs is going to attempt to call them again today. Wish him luck.
In the meantime, if you need to email me go ahead and see if it will work. I'll check in on my blog periodically from the road.
Next stop - COLORADO!!!!!!
In the meantime, if you need to email me go ahead and see if it will work. I'll check in on my blog periodically from the road.
Next stop - COLORADO!!!!!!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Is New Necessarily Better?
I'm moving.
Far away.
This involves change.
Lots of change.
I don't like change.
Never had.
So, I go to the blogger dashboard and guess what? Change! All new Blogger dashboard.
You couldn't have waited until I was settled and my brains didn't feel like scrambled eggs?
Far away.
This involves change.
Lots of change.
I don't like change.
Never had.
So, I go to the blogger dashboard and guess what? Change! All new Blogger dashboard.
You couldn't have waited until I was settled and my brains didn't feel like scrambled eggs?
Monday, April 23, 2012
I'm keeping really busy packing. I was in a "let's purge" mood even before the move was planned so this is giving me a chance to clean out some stuff. The other day I emptied the Tuff Shed and left in it only the things my daughter is going to take and what I'll donate to the gardener. I put all my tubs of Christmas decorations and other miscellaneous "stuff" on the side deck. Today I went through it and was able to cut the number of tubs I'm taking in half. Some of the stuff I just threw out since it wasn't worth keeping. The rest is loaded in the van waiting for a trip to the thrift store.
We were informed of the items that the movers won't/can't put in the truck. No paint, garden and household chemicals, spray cans, the list goes on. Most of those items will be given to my Mom and daughter.
I had quite a few cans of spray paint. I also had some outdoor items that needed to be revitalized with a new coat of paint. So it made sense to me to spray them here and use up the paint rather than take them and have to buy more paint in Colorado. So I spray painted three little metal side tables, a vintage metal plant stand, a three tiered wicker table, a bird cage, a wicker planter, a tall metal garbage can that was my dad's, an umbrella stand, and two metal garden obelisks. I even spray painted a small vintage wicker sleigh that was in with the Christmas decorations. That's a lot of painting!!
You can't take plants in the moving vans so this little beauty, along with most of my other potted plants are going to my daughter's house to live.
I'm allowing myself to take one plant This is a new variety of a dwarf Clematis. She is sooooooo pretty right now and I just can't leave her behind.
So she'll make the trip in our van. It's the only plant I have room for. I was going to take a camellia or two but they don't grow in Colorado! How sad is that? They are my favorite plants. The yard at our new place is huge and it will be fun sprucing it up. I've already found a lovely nursery to go visit and I'm planning many trips to the Denver Botanical Garden for inspiration.
I'm tired so I think I'll go have dinner and plan my day for tomorrow. I sure can't say I haven't got anything to do!!!
We were informed of the items that the movers won't/can't put in the truck. No paint, garden and household chemicals, spray cans, the list goes on. Most of those items will be given to my Mom and daughter.
I had quite a few cans of spray paint. I also had some outdoor items that needed to be revitalized with a new coat of paint. So it made sense to me to spray them here and use up the paint rather than take them and have to buy more paint in Colorado. So I spray painted three little metal side tables, a vintage metal plant stand, a three tiered wicker table, a bird cage, a wicker planter, a tall metal garbage can that was my dad's, an umbrella stand, and two metal garden obelisks. I even spray painted a small vintage wicker sleigh that was in with the Christmas decorations. That's a lot of painting!!

I'm tired so I think I'll go have dinner and plan my day for tomorrow. I sure can't say I haven't got anything to do!!!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Tutorial Help-Ceiling Fixture
I have started keeping a recipe card file next to my computer. If I see a recipe or a quilt pattern or some other idea I want to reference, I write it on an index card and file it in the appropriate section. That way I won't forget where I saw it.
It usually works. Usually. Since the house is in turmoil from getting ready for our move and my brain is not functioning on all cylinders on a daily basis, I forgot to write something down.
A blogger did a wonderful tutorial on how to replace and hang an electrical ceiling fixture. Does anyone out there remember seeing it? I'd appreciate your help!!
*I found it - here!!!! Whew! I hate losing things. This is a great tutorial and I've made my little index card so hopefully I'll remember next time. Check it out.
It usually works. Usually. Since the house is in turmoil from getting ready for our move and my brain is not functioning on all cylinders on a daily basis, I forgot to write something down.
A blogger did a wonderful tutorial on how to replace and hang an electrical ceiling fixture. Does anyone out there remember seeing it? I'd appreciate your help!!
*I found it - here!!!! Whew! I hate losing things. This is a great tutorial and I've made my little index card so hopefully I'll remember next time. Check it out.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Information Highway
There is a lot going on this weekend at our house. For one thing our son is home for about three weeks. Major Woo Hoo!!!!!! As you may know he's in the Navy and we've been blessed to have him stationed state side the last few years with just a brief six months tour in Afghanistan. He's off again in May, this time to Bahrain for one or two years. Major frowny face!!!!!
He's quite the techy guy and recently upgraded to the new IPad 3. He has generously given me his IPad 2. First I said, "Wow!!!!!!" Then , "What does it do?" Turns out it does just about everything except cook your dinner. Although you can purchase a special holder that attaches to your kitchen cupboard or the front of your refrigerator so you can watch your favorite cooking shows while preparing meals. So I guess you can say it does cook your dinner!

We went to the Apple store yesterday and I felt like a fish out of water. When I was working I was a whiz at the computer and was the "go to gal" when someone needed some help and our I.T. department wasn't available. I wasn't afraid to try anything. Since I've retired I've concentrated more on the "finer" things in life like gardening, quilting, reading and afternoon naps. I'm a little, or should I say a lot, rusty in the computer area. Our son told me to go in and ask questions about it. Well you can't just go in and say, "HELP!!!!!!! What does this thing do??????!!!!!!!", without making too much of a fool of yourself. So after talking to a few sales clerks who I swear were just barely old enough to be driving, we all decided I just need to go take a class. So I left with most of my dignity in tact, but feeling ancient - when did I start sounding like my mother? I'll go back in the next week or two and take a class from them and, hopefully, gain some of my confidence back. The major thing I'm going to enjoy about the IPad is that it has facetime on it. That means I can "talk" face to face with our son while he is in Bahrain. Cool!!
On another front, my cousin Sherry is visiting from Michigan. She flew into southern California to visit her best friend, Irene, and they have both traveled up north here to see the sites and visit family. We got together yesterday at my Mom's place for a bit. Today we're driving to Concord to visit our Uncle Carl. It'll be Sherry, her friend Irene, my Mom, my sister Janice, my sister Judy, my niece Jamie and myself. There's gonna be a whole lot of talking going on!! Poor Uncle Carl! He's a pretty quiet guy so I hope he's up for this!! I'll try to remember to take a breath and take pictures.
You all have a wonderful Sunday!!!!
He's quite the techy guy and recently upgraded to the new IPad 3. He has generously given me his IPad 2. First I said, "Wow!!!!!!" Then , "What does it do?" Turns out it does just about everything except cook your dinner. Although you can purchase a special holder that attaches to your kitchen cupboard or the front of your refrigerator so you can watch your favorite cooking shows while preparing meals. So I guess you can say it does cook your dinner!

We went to the Apple store yesterday and I felt like a fish out of water. When I was working I was a whiz at the computer and was the "go to gal" when someone needed some help and our I.T. department wasn't available. I wasn't afraid to try anything. Since I've retired I've concentrated more on the "finer" things in life like gardening, quilting, reading and afternoon naps. I'm a little, or should I say a lot, rusty in the computer area. Our son told me to go in and ask questions about it. Well you can't just go in and say, "HELP!!!!!!! What does this thing do??????!!!!!!!", without making too much of a fool of yourself. So after talking to a few sales clerks who I swear were just barely old enough to be driving, we all decided I just need to go take a class. So I left with most of my dignity in tact, but feeling ancient - when did I start sounding like my mother? I'll go back in the next week or two and take a class from them and, hopefully, gain some of my confidence back. The major thing I'm going to enjoy about the IPad is that it has facetime on it. That means I can "talk" face to face with our son while he is in Bahrain. Cool!!
On another front, my cousin Sherry is visiting from Michigan. She flew into southern California to visit her best friend, Irene, and they have both traveled up north here to see the sites and visit family. We got together yesterday at my Mom's place for a bit. Today we're driving to Concord to visit our Uncle Carl. It'll be Sherry, her friend Irene, my Mom, my sister Janice, my sister Judy, my niece Jamie and myself. There's gonna be a whole lot of talking going on!! Poor Uncle Carl! He's a pretty quiet guy so I hope he's up for this!! I'll try to remember to take a breath and take pictures.
You all have a wonderful Sunday!!!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Happy Birthday Dory!!
On a hot April 10th at 9:24 a.m. 42 years ago our daughter, Dory, was born in Livermore, California.
Rather than send me the usual mixed bouquet arrangement of flowers, my husband managed to find the most beautiful bouquet of lilacs and brought them to me. I have always loved lilacs and Dory has as well.
Dory, we love you so much and couldn't be more proud of the woman you have become, the mother you are to our grandson's and the friend others can only hope to strive to be. Your creativity is always a sense of pride and awe to us all.

Dory, we love you so much and couldn't be more proud of the woman you have become, the mother you are to our grandson's and the friend others can only hope to strive to be. Your creativity is always a sense of pride and awe to us all.
Have a wonderful Happy Birthday!!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
I've been putting off making an announcement because I'm basically a private person. I know that sounds strange. I write a blog and tell things to readers all over the country, if not the world. However, I shy away from personal stuff when I write. I also shy away from personal stuff in my day to day life as well. Just a little idiosyncrasy of mine. I like to think of it as an endearing quality! LOL!
Well, the time has come to make an announcement. We are moving. Next month. To Colorado!!!
"Big Whoopie Do" you say? I've lived in California since I moved here in the eighth grade many years ago. No, my family didn't come out here in a covered wagon!! My parents bought an Archway cookie truck, piled our stuff in it and off we came from Michigan 50 years ago. I've lived in the same house here in Escalon for nearly 25 years. I like things the same. I don't even like to rearrange furniture and once I set up knick-knacks and decorations around the house, there they stay.
So moving 1,300 miles away is a "Big Whoopie Do"!!! I'm excited, scared, apprehensive, worried, happy, nervous and a million other emotions that change from one minute to another. Mostly I'm tired right now. Packing!!!! What a nightmare. We are having movers move us but we are doing the packing ourselves. I now live in a cardboard jungle of boxes, tape and bubble wrap. I swear I can get a job working for a moving company packing when this is over. I've gotten really good at this!!!!
It will be sad to move away from the familiar places we take for granted. There are restaurants I've eaten at for 50 years here! There are still areas left to be explored and discovered. However, we have grown to love Colorado and it has felt increasingly more like home every time we visit.
I am hoping that eventually the rest of the family will move out there to be near us. In the meantime, I'll be making lots of trips back to visit my daughter and the grandsons. That's been the one difficult part of this decision so please keep me in your prayers on that account.
The one saving grace that I hold onto is that although I will be leaving family and friends, I will still have all of my blog friends no matter where I go. I hope you all know how much that means to me.
Posting will be rather sporadic while we make this transition. I still have lots of work to do here and once we get to Colorado, I'll have lots to do there as well but I'll be checking in as often as I can and will still be checking your blogs as well.
I value your friendships and I covet your prayers!
Wagons Ho!!!!!
Well, the time has come to make an announcement. We are moving. Next month. To Colorado!!!

So moving 1,300 miles away is a "Big Whoopie Do"!!! I'm excited, scared, apprehensive, worried, happy, nervous and a million other emotions that change from one minute to another. Mostly I'm tired right now. Packing!!!! What a nightmare. We are having movers move us but we are doing the packing ourselves. I now live in a cardboard jungle of boxes, tape and bubble wrap. I swear I can get a job working for a moving company packing when this is over. I've gotten really good at this!!!!
It will be sad to move away from the familiar places we take for granted. There are restaurants I've eaten at for 50 years here! There are still areas left to be explored and discovered. However, we have grown to love Colorado and it has felt increasingly more like home every time we visit.
I am hoping that eventually the rest of the family will move out there to be near us. In the meantime, I'll be making lots of trips back to visit my daughter and the grandsons. That's been the one difficult part of this decision so please keep me in your prayers on that account.
The one saving grace that I hold onto is that although I will be leaving family and friends, I will still have all of my blog friends no matter where I go. I hope you all know how much that means to me.
Posting will be rather sporadic while we make this transition. I still have lots of work to do here and once we get to Colorado, I'll have lots to do there as well but I'll be checking in as often as I can and will still be checking your blogs as well.
I value your friendships and I covet your prayers!
Wagons Ho!!!!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Mail Man
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Luck of the Irish!
I'm really excited and humbled to have won not one but three giveaways recently! How cool is that?
First off I entered a contest over at Kim's Big Quilting Adventure to name the quilt she just finished. Kim is one amazing quilter and always, always puts her creative spin on whatever she is working on. She was making the pattern, Rabbits Prefer Chocolate, but changed it up to where the rabbits were traveling around instead of the original Easter candy theme. I submitted my idea for the new name and I won!!!! You can read about it here. You can't imagine how excited I was!!!!! Just ask my family.....

The prize was two Redwork Renaissance charm packs and as you can see, Kim sent background yardage as well. How sweet was that?
The next prize was from Thelma over at Cupcakes and Daisies. Thelma is one creative and prolific quilter. Go check out her blog and her list of lifetime quilts. Amazing. She knows Carrie Nelson over at Miss Rosie's and thought, rightly so, that her Schnibbles pattern, Bibelot, should be named "T is for Thelma"
Carrie heard about it and sent Thelma a pattern with the name "fixed". She also sent extra for Thelma to give away. I tell you, I love quilters. They are so generous.
I was one of the fortunate winners!!!! So guess what I'm going to do? Put on your thinking caps........ I'm going to make T is for Thelma out of Redwork Renaissance!!!! How cool is that? My way of paying homage to two very wonderful quilting blog friends.
I mentioned three giveaways. I also entered a giveaway over at Susan Wigg's blog, A View From Here. Susan is one of my very favorite authors. Her books are wonderful. She lives up in Washington and has the most awe inspiring views of our Navy ships going out to sea from her yard. Spectactular!!! We had to guess what something was and I won (with a little help from my Naval Officer son!). Susan is sending me (Susan herself!!!! Little star struck here!!!!!) one of her books. I can't wait to get it and see what it is.
Thank you so much again to Kim, Carrie, Thelma and Susan!!!!!!!! You gals rock!
First off I entered a contest over at Kim's Big Quilting Adventure to name the quilt she just finished. Kim is one amazing quilter and always, always puts her creative spin on whatever she is working on. She was making the pattern, Rabbits Prefer Chocolate, but changed it up to where the rabbits were traveling around instead of the original Easter candy theme. I submitted my idea for the new name and I won!!!! You can read about it here. You can't imagine how excited I was!!!!! Just ask my family.....

The next prize was from Thelma over at Cupcakes and Daisies. Thelma is one creative and prolific quilter. Go check out her blog and her list of lifetime quilts. Amazing. She knows Carrie Nelson over at Miss Rosie's and thought, rightly so, that her Schnibbles pattern, Bibelot, should be named "T is for Thelma"

I mentioned three giveaways. I also entered a giveaway over at Susan Wigg's blog, A View From Here. Susan is one of my very favorite authors. Her books are wonderful. She lives up in Washington and has the most awe inspiring views of our Navy ships going out to sea from her yard. Spectactular!!! We had to guess what something was and I won (with a little help from my Naval Officer son!). Susan is sending me (Susan herself!!!! Little star struck here!!!!!) one of her books. I can't wait to get it and see what it is.
Thank you so much again to Kim, Carrie, Thelma and Susan!!!!!!!! You gals rock!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Just Peachy!
I know that I have shared with you all pictures of the almond trees in our area. They never cease to amaze me with their beauty. It occurred to me that I haven't show you pictures of some of the other orchards in our area.
Later on the blossoms will fall. In their place will be huge, juicy peaches! Millions of them!!! This summer they will be harvested and taken to the local canneries, one of which is very close to where I live. On a hot summer day you can smell the peaches being canned. Heavenly!!! There are also orchards of apricots and cherries that will be blooming soon.
Highway 120 comes through town and goes on up into the mountains. That's one of the ways you can get to Yosemite National Park which is about a two hour drive from here. All along the highway are produce stands where the campers and tourists can stop and get fresh local produce to take with them on their journey. Along with almonds, peaches, apricots, and cherries, you can purchase tomatoes, sweet corn, melons, etc., depending on what month it is. You can even stop and get fresh cheese and homemade pies. All available to make your picnic just perfect.
How cool is that?

Highway 120 comes through town and goes on up into the mountains. That's one of the ways you can get to Yosemite National Park which is about a two hour drive from here. All along the highway are produce stands where the campers and tourists can stop and get fresh local produce to take with them on their journey. Along with almonds, peaches, apricots, and cherries, you can purchase tomatoes, sweet corn, melons, etc., depending on what month it is. You can even stop and get fresh cheese and homemade pies. All available to make your picnic just perfect.
How cool is that?
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Camellia Time
It's Camellia time in the valley! They are right up there next to lilacs as my favorite flowers. This red beauty is Yuletide and starts blooming around Christmas time. It's a winter blooming Sasanqua camelia which I've mentioned before here.
I have them all over the garden, in every nook and cranny and even in pots.

There are many Camellia shows going on now, including the Modesto Camellia Show at the E & J Gallo Winery Administration Building next weekend. Check you local papers to see if you have one in your area and plan on visiting. You won't be disappointed.
Have a wonderful weekend!! Looks like we are in for some rain so YAY for us!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!! Looks like we are in for some rain so YAY for us!!!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
I thought I had better post some of the pictures from the quilting retreat I went on last weekend. We had such a wonderful time!!! The weather could not have been more perfect!
My friend, Nikki, and I always get up there ahead of time to get things set up and ready for the rest of our group. Since we are the Busy Beas, our little mascot is a bee. I had found bee windsocks at the local dollar store to greet the gals when they arrived.
Do you see the two doors on the top floor? That's the room that Nikki and I always share. Even though there are other beds in the room, no one else wants to share it with us. Why? We love having the doors wide open all night no matter how cold, windy, rainy or snowy it may be! Of course I bought electric blankets for us years ago, so we each take a bed by a door and snuggle down with the fresh air on our faces and listen to the distant frogs croaking. Aaaaahhh!!! (Yes, we are perfectly safe as there is no way to get up on the balcony unless you are a good climber and we all know how many sharp instruments quilters have with them!!!)
This is a pillow that Heather made for one of her boys. She found the free pattern here. She whipped it one in one day!!!! I really encourage everyone out there to take advantage of free patterns on the web. Although this looks like wool, it's actually the softest flannel. He loves to sit on the floor and read so I bet he loved it!
Joey worked on a civil war fabric applique quilt. She always does such wonderful work. She used to hate the "A" word, but now has embraced it and does such beautiful quilts with it.
I'm always glad they don't charge us more for electricity. Can you imagine?
Marion finished this quilt that she had previously started using Fig Tree fabrics. It was one she had seen, couldn't find the pattern for so she drafted it herself. It's a gift for her sister and I'm trying to figure out a way to convince her I'm her sister!!!
Another finish by Heather. She's quite the prolific quilter. She is one busy lady at home so she takes full advantage of her retreat time.
Debbie made this darling quilt along with some other baby quilts using minkie fabric.
There were lots of other finished projects but I didn't take pictures in the evening because the lighting was so bad. I had intentions of taking them the next day but forgot. I'll have the gals bring their projects, including mine, to our next Sunday Scrap Sew and take the pictures then.
We had so much fun. One of the highlights is always the food. You would not believe how well we eat!!!!! Nothing is store bought. Everything is fresh and no corners are cut as far as ingredients are concerned. We had spinach salad with fresh strawberries. Clam chowder that was homemade, not canned! Fresh homemade asparagus soup made with coconut milk and curry! Chicken lettuce wraps that I still have dreams of (I ate five that day). Our favorite baked egg plant. Fried pollenta with sun dried tomatoes. Beet salad made with fresh, not canned, beets. Tri-tip fit for a king. Let us have a moment of silence for the homemade cheesecake and creme brule. Our Monday breakfast is always made to order omelets. I'm telling you, I could feel my waste expanding with each meal! Not only is the food exquisite but the staff comes up and serves us, pampers us, and cleans up for us. They always have the coffee going for us and cater to any diet restrictions anyone might have. You would think that with all this the price would be sky high. Far from it. The price is less than half what other quilt retreat facilities charge. Seriously!
If you are looking for a retreat venue, whether it be for quilting, scrap booking or something else, and are anywhere near the Sonora area, you should consider Silver Spur. If you have any questions about them and what they can do for you, drop me an email!
Back to reality.....

Do you see the two doors on the top floor? That's the room that Nikki and I always share. Even though there are other beds in the room, no one else wants to share it with us. Why? We love having the doors wide open all night no matter how cold, windy, rainy or snowy it may be! Of course I bought electric blankets for us years ago, so we each take a bed by a door and snuggle down with the fresh air on our faces and listen to the distant frogs croaking. Aaaaahhh!!! (Yes, we are perfectly safe as there is no way to get up on the balcony unless you are a good climber and we all know how many sharp instruments quilters have with them!!!)

There were lots of other finished projects but I didn't take pictures in the evening because the lighting was so bad. I had intentions of taking them the next day but forgot. I'll have the gals bring their projects, including mine, to our next Sunday Scrap Sew and take the pictures then.
We had so much fun. One of the highlights is always the food. You would not believe how well we eat!!!!! Nothing is store bought. Everything is fresh and no corners are cut as far as ingredients are concerned. We had spinach salad with fresh strawberries. Clam chowder that was homemade, not canned! Fresh homemade asparagus soup made with coconut milk and curry! Chicken lettuce wraps that I still have dreams of (I ate five that day). Our favorite baked egg plant. Fried pollenta with sun dried tomatoes. Beet salad made with fresh, not canned, beets. Tri-tip fit for a king. Let us have a moment of silence for the homemade cheesecake and creme brule. Our Monday breakfast is always made to order omelets. I'm telling you, I could feel my waste expanding with each meal! Not only is the food exquisite but the staff comes up and serves us, pampers us, and cleans up for us. They always have the coffee going for us and cater to any diet restrictions anyone might have. You would think that with all this the price would be sky high. Far from it. The price is less than half what other quilt retreat facilities charge. Seriously!
If you are looking for a retreat venue, whether it be for quilting, scrap booking or something else, and are anywhere near the Sonora area, you should consider Silver Spur. If you have any questions about them and what they can do for you, drop me an email!
Back to reality.....
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Off To the Foothills
It's that time of year and I couldn't be more excited!
I am going from my little yellow house....
I am going from my little yellow house.... this little yellow house!
My quilting group is off to the foothills to our annual February quilting retreat. It's our tenth anniversary and the majority of those attending have survived all ten years!!!!
There will be lots of sewing, eating, laughing, sharing, movie watching and general rest and relaxation. Did I mention the food?
I'm getting ready and then leaving Friday so I won't be blogging 'till I get home next week.
My quilting group is off to the foothills to our annual February quilting retreat. It's our tenth anniversary and the majority of those attending have survived all ten years!!!!
There will be lots of sewing, eating, laughing, sharing, movie watching and general rest and relaxation. Did I mention the food?
I'm getting ready and then leaving Friday so I won't be blogging 'till I get home next week.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Public Service Announcement
You all know by now that I am a committed dog lover and that our dog, Maggie is one spoiled little girl. She is currently taking a nap in the guest bedroom on top of the pillows covered with my prized vintage embroidered pillowcases. Pillowcases now covered in black Scottie hair. I don't mind, though. She's worth it.
My good Scottie friend, Lynn has written a post about dog safety that I feel every dog owner should read. I've mentioned in a previous post measures that I take and that you can take to make traveling with your dog as safe as possible.
Please hop on over and read Lynn's post about retractable dog leashes. She is committed to raising happy and healthy dogs and keeping them safe.
Thanks Lynn!!!!
My good Scottie friend, Lynn has written a post about dog safety that I feel every dog owner should read. I've mentioned in a previous post measures that I take and that you can take to make traveling with your dog as safe as possible.
Please hop on over and read Lynn's post about retractable dog leashes. She is committed to raising happy and healthy dogs and keeping them safe.
Thanks Lynn!!!!
Monday, January 30, 2012
"Mommy, I'm being a big girl and doing my chores without you even asking! Do you need anything else done?"
"Can I have my allowance now?"
*No animals were harmed in the making of this post!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Happy Birthday To Maggie!
Oh, boy! I'm such a bad Scottie Mommy! This past Friday, January 20th was Maggie's 4th birthday and I totally forgot!!!! Bad Mommy!!!
I know I have posted this picture before but it's my favorite picture of Maggie. It's taken at the Painted Dessert while we were on vacation.
It's hard to believe that she is four years old already. It seems like just yesterday we got the call from a friend who said, "just come and look at her!" "She is sooooo sweet!" The rest is Scottie puppy history. We've had our ups and downs with her. She was quite the head strong destructive puppy. Our previous Scottie didn't do half the things Maggie did. But you know, that's what makes Maggie Maggie. She still acts like a puppy, playing with her toys ,chasing birds and guarding the house. Every evening, though, she settles down and while I watch television in bed she curls up at the end of the bed and waits patiently 'till I turn out the lights. Then it's Scottie snuggle, cuddle time!
Most every one who meets her falls in love with her. It makes me feel good to know that at the groomers she gets such wonderful care. I was watching the Dog Whisperer the other night and I couldn't help but think what a great trainer Caesar is. However, I do think he would have a few issues with Maggie. She barks, she jumps on people, she doesn't usually come when you call her. I guess I'll solve that problem by never having Caesar over!!!

It's hard to believe that she is four years old already. It seems like just yesterday we got the call from a friend who said, "just come and look at her!" "She is sooooo sweet!" The rest is Scottie puppy history. We've had our ups and downs with her. She was quite the head strong destructive puppy. Our previous Scottie didn't do half the things Maggie did. But you know, that's what makes Maggie Maggie. She still acts like a puppy, playing with her toys ,chasing birds and guarding the house. Every evening, though, she settles down and while I watch television in bed she curls up at the end of the bed and waits patiently 'till I turn out the lights. Then it's Scottie snuggle, cuddle time!
Most every one who meets her falls in love with her. It makes me feel good to know that at the groomers she gets such wonderful care. I was watching the Dog Whisperer the other night and I couldn't help but think what a great trainer Caesar is. However, I do think he would have a few issues with Maggie. She barks, she jumps on people, she doesn't usually come when you call her. I guess I'll solve that problem by never having Caesar over!!!
Happy Birthday, Miss Maggie!!!! We love you so much!!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Here in the central valley of California we don't get rain in the summer so the farmers have to either irrigate or use sprinklers. We've had virtually no rain this winter so the local farmers turned on the sprinklers the other morning. It was either for that or they did it because of the hard freeze we were expecting. Either way, the results were beautiful. This is what we woke up to down at the end of my street.

This may be no big deal for you all back in the mid-west and east coast, but to me it was just awesome. I've only seen this one other time in all the years I've lived here.
Thankfully, we're getting some rain out there tonight and have storms lined up for the next week. This is great news, especially for Reno, Nevada which has a huge fire threatening homes right now.
With the rains coming I think it will be the perfect time to stay indoors, drink hot cider, read some and get ready for quilt retreat which is coming up next month.
Take care....

Thankfully, we're getting some rain out there tonight and have storms lined up for the next week. This is great news, especially for Reno, Nevada which has a huge fire threatening homes right now.
With the rains coming I think it will be the perfect time to stay indoors, drink hot cider, read some and get ready for quilt retreat which is coming up next month.
Take care....
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